News in the areas of research, publications, conferences and awards by SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and its researchers.
July 2024
MIRKKOMM research network meets renouned media partners to make results usable in practice
The members of the joint research project “MIRKKOMM”, which is investigating risk and crisis communication in the corona pandemic, met important partners from the field in Hamburg to develop cooperative exploitation projects. The event was hosted by mecom - a joint venture between the news agencies Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik (GEP) and the Katholischen Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA), which operates a unique technical infrastructure for warning messages: the German Modular Warning System (MoWaS).
In the project, SRH Professor Dr. Michael Beuthner is leading the investigation into the communication of journalists and social media players. The aim of the exploitation ideas with the practice partners is to develop training documents, further education and training concepts in which the research results are incorporated and recommendations for action for the optimization of risk and crisis communication by governments, authorities and health security organizations, journalists, social media actors, but also to develop necessary media competence and media resilience teaching materials for pupils.
Participating practice/media partners included the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb).
Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner (front left, kneeling) with members of the MIRKKOMM project and representatives of the practice partners
June 2024
Podcast on the MIRKKOMM research project now online
Modern science communication includes - if possible - a podcast. The joint research project "Optimization of risk and crisis communication by governments, authorities and health safety organizations (MIRKKOMM)" has now received a special podcast episode. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has produced it and put it online.
SRH Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner (SOPA) is leading a sub-project in the project that examines the communication of journalists and social media actors in the COVID-19 pandemic. In the podcast, Dr. Annet Schulze (BfR), who is coordinating the joint project, and Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Bucher from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), who is conducting a reception and content analysis with his team, provide information about the project. What are the motives, questions and goals? What has already been achieved? You can find out all this and more in an entertaining and detailed way.
May 2024
How is AI changing the cultural and creative industries?
In March, Prof. Dr. Agnes Schipanski and Prof. Dr. Beuthner took part in an academic conference on the topic of “Changing job profiles in the cultural and creative industries”, hosted by the Federal Competence Center for Cultural and Creative Industries. The conference provided important insights into the transformation processes facing the entire industry. With regard to professional practice, the following questions were posed and discussed in presentations and workshops: How are job profiles in the cultural and creative industries changing as a result of AI and sustainability requirements? How do professionals in the cultural and creative industries work with artificial intelligence? How are sustainability requirements changing professional and work requirements in the cultural and creative industries?
With regard to the resulting challenges for higher education, the following aspects were discussed: How does the higher education system need to adapt to changes in the professional world? How must the university and higher education system change in order to train future specialists in the cultural and creative industries? How must (vocational) education and training develop in order to keep pace with current changes?
Important questions and topics that also affect the cultural and creative study programs at SRH.
The renowned speakers included:
Sven Bliedung von der Heide, CEO Volucap, founder of VFXbox, SLICE Production Studios, Virtual Reality Verband Berlin Brandenburg (VRBB e.V.), ambassador for XR4ALL; references in the film industry include “The Matrix Resurrections”, “The Raven”, “Marvel's The Avengers” and “Cloud Atlas”.
Prof. Binh Minh Herbst, Co-Founder & XR Creative Director, A.MUSE - Interactive Design Studio
Nicola Bünsch, Head of Exchange & Transfer, Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education
Dr. Olaf Arndt, Head of Analysis & Trends, Federal Competence Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries
From left to right: Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, Prof. Dr. Agnes Schipanski, Dr. Olaf Arndt
March 2024
SRH research team presents results at the International Communication Association (ICA) conference in Warsaw
Carolyn Pliquet and Kirsten Ulbrich presented the first partial results as research assistants in the MIRKKOMM research network, which deals with crisis communication by journalists and social media actors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany in sub-project 3 at SOPA under the direction of Prof Dr Michael Beuthner. The research group was able to participate in the ICA regional conference "Human Tech Transition: Crises in Mediatised Politics, Society & Economy" from 13 to 15 March 2024 in Warsaw and was supported by Prof Dr Udo Bomnüter, who is part of the team in the sub-project.
Under the title "Social Media Actors as Communicators of Institutional Content during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: Motivations and Strategies", Carolyn Pliquet and Kirsten Ulbrich presented results from the analysis of previously conducted interviews with social media actors. So far, they have been able to typify the actors and make statements about their motivation to communicate online. In addition, the first concise points of criticism of institutional content expressed by the social media players have emerged, as well as insights into their own understanding of their role in comparison to journalists.
The main topics of the conference were communication in crises, especially in relation to health, climate change and wars, as well as the spread of misinformation and the change in communication through artificial intelligence (AI). Challenges and solutions in the field of digital communication were presented to an international audience. Above all, the conference showed that current developments worldwide mean that communication is constantly changing and must adapt to current circumstances. The team provides numerous impulses for training in the communication and creative industries, as many communication concepts and professional profiles will change significantly due to the use of AI, among other things.
February 2024
Prof Dr Brigitte Biehl receives "Best Paper Award 2023" from Management Learning
The international specialist journal Management Learning (Sage Journals) has honoured an article by Brigitte Biehl with the "Management Learning Best Paper Award 2023". The article "Dracarys" for all: TV series and experiential learning" presents the value of art-based development methods such as films for management learning and leadership development. Films and well-known series such as Game of Thrones (book: : Leadership in Game of Thrones) enable learning that appeals to sensory perception, emotions and understanding with the approach presented in the article. In this way, the complex and interpersonal interaction in management and leadership can be better understood and comprehended.
Brigitte Biehl is a professor at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and heads the B.A. Creative Industries Management and M.A. International Management "Creative Leadership" courses, as well as the IWK Institute for Continuing Education, which uses artistic methods for personnel and organisational development. She also works at the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Human Resource Management and Organisation at the FernUniversität in Hagen, where she conducts research into leadership development and art-based methods.
Biehl is a member of the editorial board of the journal Leadership and Associate Editor of Gender, Work & Organization and published the book.
The article will be announced on the homepage of Management Learning and made available free of charge for a limited period of time.
January 2024
Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly in ARD's New Work documentary
The documentary on New Work impresses with its excellent research and case studies such as the Munich S-Bahn. Unlike other presentations, it avoids simplifying New Work to start-ups or working from home. In this documentary, Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly contributed his expertise on the topic of New Work through meaningful statements.
The meticulous research, successful filming and scientific embedding make the documentary an outstanding achievement by the editors. Particularly noteworthy is the recognition of the Munich S-Bahn employees as true New Work heroes. Overall, the documentary inspires with its balanced perspective and authentic insights into the implementation of New Work.
December 2023
Research exhibition "#Krisenalltag - Kommunikation in der Pandemie" presented at international conference Electronic Media & Visual Arts - EVA Berlin 2023
Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, who was in charge of the #Krisenalltag - Kommunikation in der Pandemie science exhibition at the Berlin Museum of Communication together with the MIRKKOMM research network, was able to present the innovative and forward-looking concept of the exhibition to a specialist audience from all over the world at the international conference Electronic Media and Visual Arts (EVA-Berlin) on 30.11.2023 at the Kulturforum Berlin.
Prof. Beuthner gave a lecture on "Multimodal Science Communication in an Interactive Exhibition" under the heading "Inclusion: multi-modal, multi-sensory transformation".
At the same time, a German-language contribution was published in the EVA conference proceedings under the title "Multimodal Science Communication in an Interactive Exhibition", on which Kirsten Ulbrich (SOPA) also worked as a research assistant in the research network (authors: Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, Kirsten Ulbrich, Dr. habil. Dinah Kristin Leschzyk, Fabian Brand, and Andreas Will, Dr. Annett Schulze).
The exhibition was conceived as a blend of analog experience spaces, interactive projections and immersive worlds of experience and required a combination of coordinated technology, consistent design, inspiring ambience and multimodal storytelling. Furthermore, such an exhibition project could only be realized through interdisciplinary cooperation and in a functioning network and through a choreographed interlocking of the most diverse "trades". The research network of scientists met with museum makers, creative exhibition artists, motion and graphic design students from BSDC, computer scientists, programmers, stage builders and film students from SOPA. In particular, numerous young academic staff and SRH students contributed their ideas, were enthusiastic and played a key role in the realization of the exhibition.
Information on the conference at:
Information on the MIRKKOMM research project:
Information on the exhibition that ended on 15.12.2023:
December 2023
New book by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg
A book by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg entitled " Agenda HR – Digitalisierung, Arbeit 4.0, New Leadership. Was Personalverantwortliche und Management jetzt nicht verpassen sollten " was published at Springer Gabler.
Bibliographic Reference:
Ternès von Hattburg, A. , De Grancy, Clarissa-Diana (Hgg.; 2023): Agenda HR – Digitalisierung, Arbeit 4.0, New Leadership. Was Personalverantwortliche und Management jetzt nicht verpassen sollten. 2 Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
December 2023
New book by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
A book by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès and Clarissa-Diana Wilke-Senarclens des Grancy entitled " Agenda HR - Digitalisierung, Arbeit 4.0, New Leadership " was published by Springer Gabler.
Bibliographical reference:
Ternès, A., Wilke- de Senarclens de Grancy, C.-W. (2023): Agenda HR - Digitalisierung, Arbeit 4.0, New Leadership. 2., erw. und erg. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
December 2023
New book by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
A book by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled "Wie Europa wieder mitspielen kann: Stark durch Nachhaltigkeit" was published in the book Mehr Europa wagen! Zukunftsbilder als Lösungsansatz für eine Union published by Tectum.
Bibliographic information:
Ternès, A. (2023): Wie Europa wieder mitspielen kann: Stark durch Nachhaltigkeit. In: Mehr Europa wagen! Zukunftsbilder als Lösungsansatz für eine Union. Hgg. Christoph Brüssel, Walter Döring, Lenno Götze. Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag, S. 171-186.
November 2023
Appointment of Prof. Dr. Azadeh Dindarian as Professor of Digital Supply Chain Management
It is a great pleasure and honor to announce the appointment of Prof. Dr. Azadeh Dindarian as Professor of Digital Supply Chain Management at SRH Berlin.
Prof. Dindarian's remarkable path to this position is characterized by a wealth of experience drawn from her extensive background in research and development, academia, industry and the dynamic world of start-ups. Her diverse expertise will enrich the academic landscape at SRH Berlin and make an important contribution to the field of Digital Supply Chain Management.
As an experienced professional, Prof. Dindarian's commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation fits seamlessly with SRH Berlin's core values. We are confident that her leadership will inspire our students, invigorate our research efforts and further strengthen our relationships with industry partners.
November 2023
New article by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
An article by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled " Human Sustainability Management" was published on pages 13-28 in the book " People Sustainability“ published by Haufe.
Ternès, A., Schmidt, A. (2023): Human Sustainability Management. In: People Sustainability. Hrsg. Kilian, G., Gutmann, J. Freiburg: Haufe, S. 13 – 28. <o:p></o:p>
October 2023
Parliamentary evening at the end of the exhibition "#Krisenalltag - Communication in the pandemic"
How can communication succeed in times of crisis? This was the topic of a parliamentary evening jointly organized by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) on 12 October 2023, the eve of International Disaster Prevention Day in Berlin. The exhibition "#Krisenalltag - Kommunikation in der Pandemie" at the Berlin Museum of Communication, which ended on October 15, 2023, provided the perfect setting.
On this evening, over 200 invited guests once again discussed risk and crisis communication. Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner (SRH) and the research team from the MIRKKOMM project presented the interactive and multimodal exhibition to high-ranking representatives from politics, science and civil protection for the last time that evening.
Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, President of the BfR, emphasized: "The Covid-19 pandemic has made it clear how important clear and comprehensible risk and crisis communication is. The data from the research project can be used to make communication strategies and messages even clearer, more effective and more efficient in future crises."
BBK President Ralph Tiesler added: "The question of how communication can succeed in a crisis touches on the question of crisis management itself. We need to involve people even more so that they don't feel at the mercy of crises, but remain capable of taking action. The MIRKKOMM project provides important insights into how risk and crisis communication can be improved in this sense."
Leon Eckert, Member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the German Committee for Disaster Reduction, explains: "The population itself is the most important player in crisis management. Our task is to prepare people in our country for possible extreme situations with good crisis communication. It is therefore important that we shed light on crisis communication, adapt it to current developments and thus improve it structurally."
Albrecht Broemme, former President of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), and Sabrina Bagus from the German Red Cross also awarded the DKKV sponsorship prizes for outstanding bachelor's and master's theses on disaster prevention.
Under the title "Resilience in the region - more than just risk communication?", Dr. Petra Weber, Head of the Ostalbkreis Resilience Center, gave a keynote speech.
Further information on the MIRKKOMM project:
September 2023
Student wins Best Poster Award
Marta Veronica Revello Olivo Marta is a 4th semester student in course M.Eng. International business; Renewable Energy, waste, and water Management.) She has secured the best poster prize in area materials for circularity and sustainability at FEMS EUROMAT 2023, an international conference organized by DGM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde).
Furthermore, research associates and other students from SRH Berlin contributed 6 lectures and 4 posters at the same conference. Our lectures covered a wide range of topics, including #photovoltaics #recycling, #phytorecycling ♻, and social sustainability assessments. We also presented our scientific contribution in area of #additivemanufacturing and circular economy in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON. We received a lot of positive feedback from attendees. We're excited to continue our research in these areas by collaborations and exchanging synergies with industry partners. 🤝
Our posters also generated a lot of interest. We presented our work on #batteryrecycling 🔋 and #wastetoenergy ⚡, and we were able to connect with other researchers who are working on similar projects.
Bibliographic information: Comparison of End-of-Life and production waste of NMC-111 cathode materials of batteries in an electrochemical recycling process. (Winning poster) (more titles of presentation can be given if needed.
September 2023
Sustainable recycling process for tantalum recovery from printed circuits boards
Mr. Bum-Ki Choi presented the outcomes of an important recycling project in the field of E-waste recycling by green chemistry methods. Not only research associates and professors were part of the research, but students also actively participated. The research paper includes 6 master students as co-authors who had significant contributions in important steps of the process. Two of these students have already started with their PhD and two more will follow same path soon. This shows SRH commitment towards research on the guidelines of the CORE ideology. The research was within the framework of “IRETA2” (project number 033RK080F), funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany.
September 2023
Organisation of conference topic Materials for Circularity and Sustainability
Prof. Gesa Beck initiated a new scientific subject area in the conference about Materials for Circularity and Sustainability. She is a long serving member of DGM and was also a part of the scientific committee of EUROMAT 2023. The subject area included multiple symposiums which consisted of research topics like recycling of technology materials and E-waste, carbon capture technologies, fundamental science of sustainable metallurgy and circular economy approaches. Introduction of new topic encouraged many new young talents to showcase their research in this field at a global platform and it received heavy turnout of participants from all over the world.
Link to event:
September 2023
New publication in the special issue of the Journal of Managerial Psychology on Mentoring and Coaching in the Workplace
The scientific article by Natalie M. Michalik and Prof. Dr. Carsten C. Schermuly entitled "Online, offline, or both? The importance of coaching format for side effects in business coaching" was published this week in the special issue of the Journal of Managerial Psychology on Mentoring and Coaching in the Workplace.
The number of digital coaching sessions has increased dramatically due in part to the Corona pandemic: Many coaching sessions now take place online, which previously took place in presence. Two independent studies investigated whether there are differences in perceived effectiveness as well as side effects between face-to-face, hybrid, and online coaching. The coaches' perspective as well as the clients' perspective was investigated.
Bibliographic citation:
Michalik, N.M. and Schermuly, C.C. (2023), "Online, offline, or both? The importance of coaching format for side effects in business coaching", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
September 2023
"Krisen, Chance, Disruptionen." - An article by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
An article by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled "Krisen, Chance, Disruptionen." was published on pages three to 17 in the book " Lernen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Einblicke und Handlungsempfehlungen für die neue Arbeitswelt.“ published by Springer Gabler.
Ternès, A. (2023): Krise, Chance, Disruption. In: Lernen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Einblicke und Handlungsempfehlungen für die neue Arbeitswelt. Hgg. Mark Harwardt, Peter F.-J. Niermann, Andre M. Schmutte, Axel Steuernagel. Springer Gabler, S. 3-17.
September 2023
New article by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
An article by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled " Gedanken zur Arbeitswelt: zukunftsfähig mit Nachhaltigkeit, Future Skills und dem passenden Arbeitsumfeld." was published on pages 65 to 73 in Volume 4 of the series " Die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt. Persönliche Positionen aus Kuratorium und Vorstand " of the Flexible Arbeitswelt Foundation.
Ternès, A. (2023): Gedanken zur Arbeitswelt: zukunftsfähig mit Nachhaltigkeit, Future Skills und dem passenden Arbeitsumfeld. In: Die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt. Persönliche Positionen aus Kuratorium und Vorstand. Hg. Stiftung flexible Arbeitswelt. Band 4 der Schriftenreihe. Stiftung flexible Arbeitswelt, S. 65 – 73.
September 2023
Fact checks in pandemic time
An enlightening evening at the Museum of Communication and a great SRH cooperation project.
Does vaccination make your arm magnetic? Do rapid tests also work with tap water? Did Nostradamus predict everything? There have been and continue to be countless rumors and false claims about the COVID-19 pandemic, which are spreading rapidly via social networks. Many have the potential to endanger human lives - for example, when it comes to dubious cures. The Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) fact check team has published more than 2,000 fact checks around the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus since 2020.
Under the title "Meet the Journalist: Claims, Sources, Classification. How Fact Checks Provide Orientation in the Pandemic", dpa Verification Officer Stefan Voß and dpa Fact Check Editorial Director Teresa Dapp discussed with numerous guests on 05 August 2023 at the Museum für Kommunikation in Berlin.
The evening at the Museum für Kommunikation was moderated by Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner (SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences) and Dr. Annett Schulze (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment).
Stefan Voß and Teresa Dapp first presented detailed insights into their work and talked with Prof. Beuthner and Dr. Schulze about the opportunities and challenges of fact-checking in the pandemic period. Afterwards, there was a lively exchange with the guests.
The event took place in the framework of the exhibition #Krisenalltag: Kommunikation in der Pandemie (Everyday Crisis: Communication in the Pandemic), which is on display at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin until October 15, 2023. The exhibition is a cooperative project of the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.
The exhibition conveys the first interim results and findings of the third-party funded project MIRKKOMM, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project investigates the potentials, effects and challenges of risk and crisis communication in the context of a pandemic. Six sub-projects are investigating the complex interaction between authorities, media and other public actors in order to optimize the communication of authorities and health care organizations for future crises.
For more information on the project, please visit: (Museum website) (website research project)
August 2023
The New Work Barometer 2023 is here!
The annual New Work Barometer examines how the concept and use of "new work" is developing. The focus of the New Work Barometer 2023 is on "future skills" and, among other things, the question of which competencies are of particular importance for New Work and how they contribute to the transformation of companies and the economy. Participating company representatives agree that personal skills such as personal responsibility, willingness to learn and self-reflection are particularly important. Taking into account different industries and New Work measures, valuable differences in the approach to New Work continue to emerge.
Download here: New Work-Barometer 2023
August 2023
New book publication
A book edited and written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès together with Wolfgang Grenke „Nachhaltigkeit heißt für uns Verantwortung“ was published by Springer Gabler.
Ternès, A. (2023): Nachhaltigkeit heißt für uns Verantwortung. Hg zusammen mit Wolfgang Grenke. Springer Gabler.
July 2023
Research exhibition #Krisenalltag - Kommunikation in der Pandemie" (Everyday Crisis - Communication in the Pandemic) opens at the Museum für Kommunikation in Berlin.
In 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus abruptly changed our lives. A pandemic hits the global community. Decisions and measures to contain the pandemic must be made, communicated and implemented in the shortest possible time. Challenges arise in the complex interaction of all those involved in communication: The public and the media expect authoritative information, policymakers need reliable findings, and the scientific community needs robust data in the dynamic pandemic process. How did who communicate during this difficult phase and what lessons can be learned to optimize communication in crises in the future?
On July 13, 2023, the special exhibition #Krisenalltag - Kommunikation in der Pandemie (Everyday Crisis - Communication in the Pandemic) was opened at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin with more than 300 invited guests from science, research, politics, business and culture. The exhibition addresses these questions and presents the first partial results from the research project "MIRKKOMM" with an innovative, multimedia and interactive concept.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), this collaborative project explores risk and crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.
High-ranking representatives from politics and science spoke at the opening: Dr. Ralf Gebel from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Heiko Rottmann-Großner from the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Monika Lahrssen-Wiederholt from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and Prof. Dr. Tanja Schwerdte, Vice President of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. The Director of the Museum of Communication, Anja Schaluschke, also addressed the invited guests and then ceremoniously opened the exhibition.
The program was followed by a panel discussion with the project leaders of the MIRKKOMM research network. Together with moderator Phlipp Schrögel from the University of Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz (TU Ilmenau), Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Bucher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dr. Annett Schulze (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner (SRH), PD Dr. Robert Frau (European University Viadrina) and Gudrun Menze (mecom) discussed crisis communication in the pandemic period and the exhibition, which was subsequently visited by the numerous guests.
Numerous students of the SRH participated
The SRH is not only involved in the research consortium through a sub-project led by Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, but has a significant share in the special exhibition that has now opened. In addition to Prof. Dr. Beuthner and Kirsten Ulbrich as curators and coordinators, more than 50 students and 10 lecturers from the fields of film and television as well as motion design at SOPA and from the design department of BSDC have contributed to this interdisciplinary and cross-curricular project. For example, SOPA students produced videos including graphic elements for the exhibition and, on the opening night, a one-hour talk show and a reportage; BSDC students previously helped develop ideas for the key visual.
The exhibition has received a ready media response so far and will be on display until October 15.
Link to the reportage (SRH broadcast production)
Link to the one-hour talk show (SRH broadcast production)
Link to the thanks from politics & science (SRH broadcast production)
June 2023
New article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
An article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled „Krise, Chance, Disruption. Was ein erfolgreiches New Leadership jetzt leisten muss“ was published by Springer Gabler editor volume Lernen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung.
Ternès, A. (2023): Krise, Chance, Disruption. Was ein erfolgreiches New Leadership jetzt leisten muss. In: Harwardt, M., Niermann, P., Schmutte, A. M., Steuernagel, A. (Hrsg.): Lernen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Wiesbaden. Springer Gabler, S. 3 – 17.
June 2023
Special Research Award 2022
At this year's summer party of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, a special research award was presented to Professor Marcel Bisges for the completion of his third doctorate.
Professor Marcel Bisges has been researching copyright and media law since 2008, where he also repeatedly deals with the issue of the so-called small coin. This is about the demarcation of copyright-protected intellectual products from copyright-protected intellectual products, which is neither easy nor clear. Already in his second dissertation of 2014, he tackled the issue from an economic point of view and proved that economic aspects do have relevance. In his third dissertation from 2022, he looked at the same issue from a media-psychological point of view. With the help of a survey in which more than 300 people took part, he came to the conclusion that considerations of protectability can best be used to draw the line. It has already been reported in the News that the Technical University of Berlin awarded him the title of Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.) in communication sciences for his third thesis.
June 2023
SRH research topic presented at international emma annual conference in Spain
From June 7-9, 2023, the 20th European Media Management Association Conference 2023 (emma 2023) on the topic "Perspectives on Media Trust" took place at the University of Navarra in Pamplona (Spain), where a sub-project of the research project "MIRKKOMM" was presented.
The MIRKKOMM subproject research team led by Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, Carolyn Pliquet and Kirsten Ulbrich (SOPA) submitted a full paper under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Udo Bomnüter, our research partner from Macromedia University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Bomnüter presented this on behalf of the entire team in the panel "Trust crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic". The paper, entitled "Sensemaking and Trust in Times of Crises: Journalistic Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic," is based on ongoing MIRKKOMM research at SRH and presents initial interim findings from the analysis of expert interviews conducted with journalists.
Among other things, the session will focus on assessing the crisis content of government agencies and health authorities in the Corona pandemic and how to deal with it journalistically, on the changed working conditions in newsrooms, and on the multimodal preparation of their own reporting. In the session, media scholars from Finland and Switzerland presented related topics, resulting in ideas for a joint-future publication. In addition, Prof. Bomnüter participated in a paper development workshop of the Journal of Media Business Studies (JOMBS) and received valuable input for further elaboration of the paper.
PS: Unfortunately, the SOPA research members could not (also) travel to Pamplona in person. Prof. Bomnüter did a great job representing us there. For this, our great thanks go to him.
May 2023
Empowered to Stay Active - Study on extending working life published
Demographic change is leading to the aging of many societies. To counteract a shortage of skilled workers, it is important to keep older employees in the company. In this context, Ivana Drazic, Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly and Prof. Dr. Victoria Büsch conducted a scientific study that examined older individuals between the ages of 54 and 65. One of the most important findings: People who felt psychologically empowered (i.e., experienced more meaning, self-determination, influence and competence) not only wanted to retire later, they actually retired later.
For those interested in the full article:
Drazic, I., Schermuly, C. C., & Büsch, V. (2023). Empowered to Stay Active: Psychological empowerment, retirement timing, and later life work. Journal of Adult Development, 1-18.
May 2023
New book publication: New Work Dystopia
Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly has published his new book "New Work Dystopia - Failure in Change and How to Do It Better" by Haufeverlag. Inforadio (RBB: ) and Deutschlandfunk Nova interviewed Prof. Schermuly about his book.
Business Psychologist Carsten Schermuly: "New Work does not mean home office" · Dlf Nova (
March 2023
Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner publishes anthology on communication about risks, crises and conflicts
In 16 contributions, 19 authors from various disciplines look at one of the currently most important communication topics.
Corona pandemic, climate change, refugee, energy and economic crises, etc. The list of risks and crises is long, and the "cases" are increasingly complex. What about professional communication about them? Is it sufficiently transparent and mindful-critical, or rather interest-driven and superficial? Internal structures and guidelines as well as dynamic external conditions make communication difficult. There is sometimes a lack of formats, possibilities, resources, courage or even expertise and skills. Those who (have to) professionally create publicity in the case of risks and crises may not communicate sufficiently (well) with each other and do not (yet) regularly have the options of social media and their actors in their field of vision. The multi-layered network of relationships between communicators seemingly offers more potential for irritation than synergy.
The development of crisis communication research, the mediation of crises in Hollywood feature films, the climate crisis as a film subject are among the unusual perspectives, as is a look at narrative management in the African Sahel, the work of a foreign correspondent at the United Nations, the danger of traumatising journalists, the new kind of knowledge brokerage in companies, the work of political think tanks, the challenges of science communication and many more.
For the first time in this form, the anthology brings together interdisciplinary experiences and insights from actors from journalism, politics, science, environment and health. In this way, challenges and opportunities of medial communication of risks and crises are identified and, at the same time, the necessity and starting points for training explicitly geared to this topic are made clear.
Bibliographical references:
Beuthner, M., Bomnüter, U., & Kantara, J. A. (eds.). (2022). Risks, crises, conflicts. Challenges and perspectives of medial mediations. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-36195-2, ISBN 978-3-658-36194-5
March 2023
SOPA research team presents results at international conference "emma 2023" in Spain
The research team in the project "MIRKKOMM" will present first research results at the annual conference of the European Media Management Association (emma) in Pamplona, Spain, in June 2023. Under the title "Sensemaking and Trust in Times of Crises: Journalistic Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic", the SOPA team will contribute to the conference theme "Perspectives on Media Trust." Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, Carolyn Pliquet, Kirsten Ulbrich will prepare the presentation and a full paper version together with Prof. Dr. Udo Bomnüter (Macromedia University of Applied Sciences), who will accompany the sub-project as an external expert. They also plan to participate in a pre-conference workshop with the editors of the Journal of Media Business Studies (JOMBS) in order to publish the conference paper there afterwards.
The team is looking forward to representing SRH at this internationally renowned conference.
Info: The European Media Management Association (emma) is an international not-for-profit academic organisation that was founded in 2003 to support growth in media management research, scholarship and practice throughout Europe and around the world.
February 2023
SRH students develop exhibition design for innovative science communication
Interdisciplinary and cooperative media project helps to realise a new form of science communication that has never existed before
Students of the Berlin School of Design and Communication (BSDC) have developed various key visuals and storylines in preparation for a special exhibition at the Berlin Museum of Communication. In several modules during winter semester 2022/23, under the supervision of Prof. Bettina Borchardt, Prof. Gabor Kovacs, Prof. Ralf Kemmer and Prof. Ricarda Wallhäuser, they produced numerous drafts, including designs for special exhibition modules, guidelines, brand looks including title proposals, icons, posters, flyers and even animated visuals. In the meantime, workshops have taken place with the specialists from Garamatis, an agency that specialises in interactive technologies and designs innovative exhibitions and showrooms.
From 13 July 2023, the exhibition #Krisenalltag - Kommunikation in der Pandemie (Everyday Crisis - Communication in the Pandemic) will show the first research results on the topic of crisis communication by governments, authorities, journalism and social media actors during the Covid-19 pandemic. The exhibition is being realised as part of the joint project "Optimisation of Risk and Crisis Communication by Governments, Authorities and Health Care Organisations (MIRKKOMM)" funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The initiator of the media project is Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, who is responsible for a research part at the School of Popular Arts (SOPA) in the joint project.
January 2023
Online publication of an explanatory video on the research project
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander J. Wulf and Dr. Ognyan Seizov present the major findings from the research project “The ABC of Online Disclosure Duties: Towards a More Uniform Assessment of the Transparency of Consumer Information in Europe” in a popular and innovative digital format: an animated explainer video. The goal of the project, an international collaboration between SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, the University of Amsterdam, and the University of Exeter, is to formulate clear and uniform guidelines for improving the transparency of consumer information online. Prof. Wulf and Dr. Seizov designed and conducted a series of qualitative and quantitative studies with experts and consumers across the EU in order to arrive at the conclusions presented in the video. The research project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The video production was funded by the SRH Research Transfer Budget.
December 2022
New Project: Commissioned research ‚Assessment of Sustainability Labels for Hotels‘
Credible labels can significantly increase consumer confidence, facilitating decisions for sustainable products and services and enabling real competition towards sustainability excellence. Against this background, the German Federal Environment Agency commissioned a project team led by Prof. Dr. Hannes Antonschmidt (Institute of Global Hospitality Research at the Dresden School of Management) with the further members BTE Tourismus- und Regionalberatung (Berlin), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Vienna) and Greenance Nachhaltigkeit & Zukunft (Celle) to prepare an expert report. The report is to compare fifteen sustainability labels for hotel operations with regard to their level of ambition and derive a holistic evaluation system. As a result, a recommendation is to be formulated as to which labels are suitable for identifying sustainable hotels.
November 2022
Former SoPA student wins award in this year's Best Paper Award of the Society for Music Business and Music Culture Research (GMM)
As part of the presentations of completed BA and MA theses as well as ongoing student research projects at the Most Wanted Music conference in Berlin 2022, Jennifer Keiner from the SoPA's Music Production program took third place with her presentation on The virtual concert experience and multi sensory reception of live music. Second place went to Charlotte Müller (European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder) with the research project Women orchestra conductors - Performative Subversions of a gendered professional practice? First place went to Marina Plietsch (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) with her very exciting master thesis on Correlation Patterns of Health: An Application to the Self-employed Artist Labor Force.
November 2022
New article by Prof. Torsten Becker: Why SCM performance in the industry is declining
While retail companies have improved their supply chain performance over the past eleven years, the inventory turnover rate in industry decreased. A supply chain meta-study by Prof. Torsten Becker (Supply Chain Management at SRH Berlin) based on the Gartner SCM Top 25 Rankings from 2012 to 2022 gets to the bottom of this development. The results were published in the leading journal Logistik heute.
Download the article here.
Torsten Becker, Warum die SCM-Leistung in der Industrie sinkt, Logistik heute, Heft 09, 2022
November 2022
Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg has published a new book article
Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg has published the article Perspektive für das Gesundheitswesen in the book Visionäre der Gesundheit (m/w/d). Perspektiven für das Gesundheitswesen, edited by Inga Bergen, published at MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Ternès, A. (2022): Perspektive für das Gesundheitswesen. In: Visionäre der Gesundheit (m/w/d). Perspektiven für das Gesundheitswesen. Hrsg. Inga Bergen. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 264 – 269.
November 2022
Dr. Jana Stolz-Römmermann participated in a panel discussion on "Sustainable visitor flow management at Saxon-Czech Tourism Conference
More information here.
The Chamber of Industry and Commerce organized a full-day conference to network companies in the tourism industry with partners in the Czech Republic. The main focus was on topics from which direct economic benefits can be derived through cooperation and exchange of experience. For example, in the management of visitor flows and the tourist activation of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The networking of companies in the sector across the border is intended to lay the foundation for long-term cooperation benefits. In addition, country-specific workshops will be offered as part of the conference, enabling participants to build methodological expertise.
November 2022
Supply Chain Management Prof. Torsten Becker presented his new research findings on supply chain strategy with supply chain experts at the Supply Chain Management Strategy Summit. The results were highly welcomed by the participants.
October 2022
Study published: Is technostress stressing coaches out? The relevance of technostress to coaches' emotional exhaustion and coaches' perception of coaching success.
Digitalization has significantly changed the coaching process in the last 2.5 years. In this context, Natalie Michalik and Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly conducted two studies on the mental health of coaches.
The article was published in "Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice" with the following title: Is technostress stressing coaches out? The relevance of technostress to coaches' emotional exhaustion and coaches' perception of coaching success.
Our research associate Jan Koch has successfully defended his dissertation
Congratulations to Jan Koch on the successful completion of his doctoral thesis! As a research assistant at the Berlin School of Management, he successfully completed his cumulative dissertation last week entitled: "Toward a nuanced understanding of the role of agile project management for workplace outcomes: Adopting a psychological perspective" successfully defended. The dissertation was supervised by Prof. Dr. Jörg Felfe (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, in photo left) and Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly (SRH Berlin, in photo right).
September 2022
Workshop "Cuban energy transition - conceptual design of an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly masonry brick plant in Cuba"
Between September 3rd and 9th, 2022, the "Technical University Nuremberg Georg-Simon-Ohm" organized a workshop with the participation of five experts from the Cuban ministries of construction and higher education. The aim of the workshop, which was also jointly supported by the Bavarian research alliance and the network of Bavarian and Latin American universities "BAYLAT", was to discuss the potential that technology transfer for the production of efficient bricks can contribute to the energy efficiency of buildings in Cuba with the use of recycled materials for Brick insulation and under circular economy concepts.
The workshop had the co-organization and experience of Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Romero Romero, member of the BST of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Science as an expert in energy efficiency, renewable energies, and circular economy. During the workshop, lectures were given on the situation of energy efficiency in construction in Cuba and Germany, as well as brick production technologies in both countries. The facilities of the Handle and Lingl companies, which produce modern technologies for the production of bricks, were also visited. Finally, work was carried out on the technological design of a center for the development of the brick production industry of Cuba with German technology that would produce 250 t/d bricks with the integration of insulating materials as an energy efficiency concept through recycling of endogenous waste, as well as incorporating the circular economy concepts to reduce clay consumption.
Presentation by Prof. Dr.-Ing. & MBA Ronald Glasberg at the "IFA Next Innovation Engine" Conference
Search Engines & Video-Genre Classification - How will we search and find the content of tomorrow?
The great challenge in the field of search engines and multimedia content analysis is the transformation of human interpretations of audio-visual data to the respective machine processable representation. The difference between these two spheres is the so called ‘semantic gap’. Bridging this gap will open up a wide field of new applications. One possible application is the content selection in TV and search engines in the world wide web according to user specific preferences, e.g. genres like cartoon, commercial, music, news and sport. Humans perceive genres as patterns of audio-visual sequences describing dimensions like narration, aesthetics etc. In my presentation I will focus on intelligent descriptors and classification methods for describing these patterns. (s. patent TU-Berlin "Video-genre classification" US8666918B2)
September 2022
New Work Barometer 2022
The New Work Barometer 2022 has been published. 581 company representatives took part in this year's barometer. This is more than 100 companies more than in 2022 (2021 = 469 data points). Most of the companies come from industry (14.8 percent), IT (14.6 percent) and consulting (13.6 percent).
Conclusion: New Work remains popular as a term and NewWork practices are being used more frequently again. This is shown by the results of the NWB22.
Click here for a free download: New Work Barometer 2022
July 2022
Research consortium meets with top international researchers
Within the framework of the research project "Optimization of Risk and Crisis Communication of Governments, Authorities and Health Care Organizations (MIRKKOMM)", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), a meeting of the research group with all members of the Advisory Board took place for the first time on June 16, 2022. Its members are all internationally recognized experts in risk and crisis communication and provided valuable and constructive feedback on the status quo of the respective work in the subprojects.
Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner from the SRH School of Popular Arts and head of the sub-project "Analysis of journalistic and prosumer risk and crisis communication", presented the first results from the project, which has been running since October 2021, and gave insights into the upcoming work steps.
Prof. Dr. Deanna Sellnow and Prof. Dr. Timothy Sellnow from the University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando/USA came from the USA. Both work at the Nicholson School of Communication and Media there. Deanna Sellnow's research focuses on strategic instructional communication in the context of risk, crisis, health, and online settings. Thimothy Sellnow works and researches in the areas of bioterrorism, pre-crisis planning and strategic communication for risk management and mitigation in organizational and health settings.
Prof. Dr. Peter Wiedemann from the University of Wollongong in Australia was also present. He works and researches at the Faculty of Social Sciences there in the areas of risk perception, risk communication and moral judgment.
Prof. Dr. Danielle Timmermanns from the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands works and researches at the Faculty of Public and Occupational Health there.
Prof. Dr. Ingo Timm from the University of Trier completed the Advisory Board. He is a renowned AI researcher and business informatics specialist with research focus on theory, methods and applications of (Distributed) Artificial Intelligence and simulation.
MIRKKOMM is coordinated by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), an independent scientific institution that advises the German government.
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the three-year project at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences with 313,000 euros as part of the "Research for Civil Security" program.
The interdisciplinary team of researchers from the fields of communication, political science, and law, as well as psychology and computer science, will be active in the MIRKKOMM project until September 2024. The members of the advisory board will be regularly involved via video conferences and will come back to Berlin in person at the latest for the opening of the exhibition at the Museum für Kommunikation in early July 2023, which is being held as part of the research project.
June 2022
Ivana Drazic was nominated for the German Demography Award 2022 by the Demography Network (ddn) in the category "New Work, brought to life" for her PhD project "Too old for new work? Investigating age stereotypes in the modern world of work.” Of the three nominees, the company BRAIN-HR (Dr. Franz Hütter) received the award on June 28, 2022 for its project "NET OF BRAINS Community," which creates an incubation space for new learning formats.
June 2022
DAAD granted Research Scholarship to Argentinian professor for a three-month stay at Institute for Cultural Diversity Studies (ICDS)
Prof. Dr. Fabiola de la Precilla (Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) is a visiting researcher at our Institute for Cultural Diversity Studies, from May to July 2022.
Prof. de la Precilla will be lecturing in the field of creativity and cultural diversity and undertake research with Prof. Dr. Arta Ante on the Project: “Artivismus (Art +Activismus) and Socially Engaged Art: A comparative analysis of artistic performances in Argentina, Chile and Berlin and their impact on new discourses and social movements”. She will be staying in Prof. Arta Ante’s offices in BSDC and BSM, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and can be reached at the following email address:
June 2022
Media project "The Security Ambassadors" launched as part of application research together with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Students of the School of Popular Arts (SOPA) of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences have founded the media project "Security Ambassadors" together with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).
As part of the DGAP third-party funded project "Mediation and Dialogue in German Security and Defense Policy", the project was created in September 2021 under the leadership of Dr. Christian Mölling, Director of Research at DGAP, and Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, Professor of Journalism and PR at SOPA, with a student editorial team at its core as a teaching and learning workshop. In the spirit of applied science, the project aims to develop new forms of communication, formats and narratives for complex topics and thus generate new knowledge through practical experimentation.
The goal of the two-year project is to enable an informed(r) and more realistic debate on security risks and political and military responses, thus contributing to opinion- and consensus-building among a wide range of stakeholders.
In addition to members of parliament and their staff, the target groups include multipliers such as foundations, the press, party headquarters, organized publics/NGOs, experts in think tanks and ministries, and especially the younger generation of society.
Among other things, the editorial team produces short inputs on Facts & Figures, provides information on current topics and/or basic knowledge, and invites various guests and experts to longer, talk-based video formats. In doing so, the editorial team works in a politically neutral manner, characterized by a curious approach, asks many questions and classifies situations or topics based on relevant facts.
Current risks (Corona 2020), crises (Afghanistan 2021) and wars (Ukraine 2022) repeatedly show that both the public and political decision-makers often discuss security and defense policy issues in an undifferentiated manner and without clearly naming the risks and options. Militaristic positions often set the tone. This environment makes it difficult for parliamentarians and the public to form informed opinions and make decisions about security and defense policy issues. However, Russia's recent war of aggression on Ukraine in the middle of Europe is currently fundamentally changing the dynamics and perspectives in the overall discourse.
The first podcast episode can be seen here:
Go to the DGAP subsite on the research project here:
May 2022
Professor Dr. Brigitte Biehl wins the Research Award 2020
The Research Award of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences is awarded annually in recognition of the scientific merits of the award winner. All publications, third-party funding and research-related honors received by December 31 are taken into account.
At the SRH Spring Festival at the BrewDog DogTap Berlin on Thursday, 05 May 2022, the Research Award was presented to Professor Dr. Brigitte Biehl by the Vice President Research and Transfer, Professor Dr. Carsten Schermuly. Professor Dr. Brigitte Biehl had distinguished herself in 2020 through her research achievements including book publications such as "Management in the Creative Industries" and "Leadership in Game of Thrones" and refereed articles such as 'Women 'in motion': The kinaesthetic viewing experience in Chinese viral advertising films' prevailed against numerous other strong research applicants.
We congratulate Professor Dr. Brigitte Biehl and wish her success for her future research projects!
May 2022
Students win THE BEST PAPER Crystal Award - International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies
Professor Alexander Iliev, Mayank Dewli, Muhsin Kalkan, Preeti Prakash Kudva and Rekha Turkar participated in "The CompSysTech'21 International Conference" and presented their paper titled “Acoustic Event Detection and Sound Separation for security systems and IoT devices” on June 19, 2021.
The paper was awarded THE BEST PAPER Crystal Award by the international program committee. The conference was held at the University of Ruse (Bulgaria) on 18-19. June 2021.
People can easily identify an event or a setting by looking at an image. Various objects within an image describe an event or a setting. Similarly, various sounds can describe an acoustic event. Residential, indoor, or industrial settings can be defined by a set of various audio signals. When we think of audio data, we think of music and speech. However, the set of various kinds of audio data, contains a vast multitude of different sounds. Human brain can identify sounds such as two vehicles crashing against each other, someone crying or a bomb explosion. When we hear such sounds, we can identify the source of the sound and the event that caused them. We can build artificial systems which can detect acoustic events just like humans. Acoustic event detection (AED) is a technology which is used to detect acoustic events. Not only can we detect the acoustic event but also, determine the time duration and the exact time of occurrence of any event. This paper made use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in classifying environmental sounds which are linked to certain acoustic events. Classification and detection of acoustic events has numerous real-world applications such as anomaly detection in industrial instruments and machinery, smart home systems, military, and security applications, tagging audio data and in creating systems to aid the hearing-impaired individuals. While environmental sounds can encompass a large variety of sounds, we focused specifically on certain urban sounds in our study and made use of CNNs which have traditionally been used to classify image data. The model, when given a sample audio file can assign a classification label and identify various environmental sounds with a great precision.
April 2022
Springer VS Verlag has published the new publication by Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner since 7.4. Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner is co-editor of the anthology with 15 contributions on a currently highly explosive and topical subject and also author.
The Corona pandemic, climate change, terrorism, refugee and economic crisis, military operations in Afghanistan and Mali, exhaust emissions scandal, etc. The list of risks, crises and conflicts is long, and the "cases" are increasingly complex. What about professional communication about them? Is it sufficiently transparent and mindful-critical, or rather interest-driven and superficial? Internal structures and guidelines as well as dynamic external conditions make communication more difficult. There is sometimes a lack of formats, opportunities, resources, courage or even expertise and skills. Those who (have to) produce professional publicity in the event of risks and crises may not communicate sufficiently (well) with one another and may not (yet) have the options of social media and their players regularly in their sights. The multilayered network of relationships among communicators seemingly offers more potential for irritation than for synergy.
For the first time in this form, the anthology bundles interdisciplinary empirical values and insights of actors from journalism, politics, science, environment and health. In this way, challenges and opportunities of medial communication of risks and crises are identified and, at the same time, the necessity and starting points for training explicitly geared to this topic are made clear:
Beuthner, M., Bomnüter, U., & Kantara, J. A. (2022). "Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation auf dem Prüfstand: Herausforderungen für eine überfällige Qualitätsinitiative. In: Beuthner, M., Bomnüter, U., & Kantara, J. A. (Hrsg.), Risiken, Krisen, Konflikte. Herausforderungen und Perspektiven medialer Vermittlungen (S. 1-23). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
More information:
April 2022
New Video Series on Gender and Leadership
Brigitte Biehl is producing a series of animated videos that examine leadership theory as well as leadership practice from the critical perspective of gender studies.
Leadership is more than an abstract concept. Behind the concept are real flesh and blood people. Their different gender identities still lead to unequal treatment - this is made clear by the video series.
In doing so, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Biehl is responding to an educational gap that exists in both scientific and public awareness. "Until now, management research has largely ignored and underexposed the topic of 'gender'. Leadership has been viewed as rational, disembodied and objective. But it is not!" the expert emphasizes. "Leadership is interpersonal, leadership is influenced by social gender stereotypes and role models, leadership has something to do with gender."
The topic of gender and leadership is addressed in a separate module in the B.A. Creative Industries Management - the creative industries in particular are considered a source of innovation for new work models and pioneers for gender diversity. Gender issues are also addressed in the M.A. International Management "Creative Leadership," which is led by Biehl. The lighthouse project "Creativity for Diversity" explores how artistic methods can promote gender equality.
The videos were produced as part of Biehl's visiting professorship for Gender & Queer Studies in Leadership at the FernUniversität in Hagen, where he is associated with the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Human Resource Management and Organization (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weibler).
Press release of the FernUniversität in Hagen
April 2022
Instrument to Measure the Culture for Psychological Empowerment in Organizations
Carsten Schermuly, Jan Koch, Laura Creon, Ivana Drazic und Carolin Graßmann have developed and validated an instrument for measuring the culture of empowerment on the theoretical basis of the psychological empowerment concept in four studies. The paper "Developing and Testing an Instrument to Measure the Culture for Psychological Empowerment in Organizations (IMPEC)" was published in the European Journal of Psychological Assessment. Link:
Leadership styles and psychological empowerment
The Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies has freshly published the meta-analysis by Carsten Schermuly, Laura Creon, Philipp Gerlach, Carolin Graßmann, and Jan Koch on the relationship between different leadership styles and psychological empowerment experience:
Schermuly, C. C., Creon, L. E., Gerlach, P., Graßmann, C., & Koch, J. (2022). Leadership styles and psychological empowerment: A meta-analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. Advance online publication.
March 2022
Beyond Wonder Woman and Superman - Future-oriented Leadership in Film and Series
The conference on 8.3.2022 (Zoom) at the FernUniversität in Hagen with the participation of professors of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and the lighthouse project "Creativity for Diversity" deals with leadership and gender and takes well-known films and series as a starting point.
In the morning there will be lectures by international scholars who will discuss the connection between power, leadership and gender on the basis of various series and develop forward-looking and critical perspectives for leadership and management.
The topics are hegemonic masculinity and possibilities for change (Prof. Dr. Allison Pullen - Macquarie University, Australia), (Prof. Dr. Marcus S. Kleiner - Vice President Creativity and Interaction SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences), the masking of gender issues in leadership research (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weibler, FernUniversität in Hagen), learning about leadership with film (Prof. Dr. Brigitte Biehl), and black women who have asserted themselves with new leadership styles in the creative industries (Kathleen Bomani).
In the afternoon, workshops with different thematic orientations offer the opportunity for practical examples and hands-on exercises in the areas of leadership through language (Dr. Simone Burel) and effective appearance (Jana Herz) as well as career negotiations (Claudia Irsfeld). In addition, there will be a workshop on including marginalized positions and the LGBTQIA+ community in organizations (Dr. Saoirse O'Shea) and a workshop on artistic methods for leadership development (Verena Landau and Brigitte Biehl, IWK).
At the SRH in Berlin, artistic methods for personnel and organizational development are being researched especially in the context of the lighthouse project "Creativity for Diversity" (IWK Institute for Continuing Education and ICDS Institute for Cultural Diversity Studies). In teaching, this also includes the use of aesthetic experiential learning, for example with film. The topic of gender diversity is emphasized here in relation to management, organization and leadership.
- Prof.* Dr.* Brigitte Biehl (Visiting Professor Gender and Queer Studies at the FernUniversität in Hagen; Professor at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Head of Studies B.A. Creative Industries Management and M.A. International Management "Creative Leadership" and Director of the IWK Institute for Profesional Development with the lighthouse project "Creativity for Diversity")
- Prof.* Dr.* Jürgen Weibler (FernUniversität in Hagen, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Human Resources Management and Organization)
- Department of Equal Opportunity and Equal Opportunity Office of the FernUniversität in Hagen.
Conference website
Registration (free of charge) and Flyer
March 2022
Empowerment of the Institute of Global Hospitality Research: Markus Schuckert moves to New Hampshire
The Academic Director of the Institute of Global Hospitality Research at the Dresden School of Management is moving to the University of New Hampshire, where he will take over as Department Chair Hospitality Management. Prof. Dr. Markus Schuckert has many years of experience at the University of Applied Sciences Chur, Hong Kong Polytech and the University of New Orleans and also took over the position as Academic Director of the Institute of Global Hospitality Research in 2019, the year it was founded.
"It confirms our claim to be an internationally linked research institution that Prof. Dr. Schuckert will continue as academic head of the Institute of Global Hospitality Research. We are greateful that Prof. Dr. Schuckert will continue to be available for supporting the Institute of Global Hospitality Research. With his experience from Europe, Asia and the USA, he brings valuable expertise that our institute can optimally use in application-oriented projects as well as in strategic research. „I would like to thank my colleague Schuckert very much for his commitment," states Prof. Dr. habil. Carsten Schermuly, VP Research and Transfer at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.
February 2022
- An article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg entitled „Generationswechsel“ in: Strategische Personalarbeit in der Transformation - Partizipation und Mitbestimmung für ein erfolgreiches HRM. Ed. by Rainer Gröber & Inga Dransfeld-Haase, was published by Bund-Verlag.
- An article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled „ Digitale Bildung ermöglichen“ was published by Verantwortung. Das Magazin für Nachhaltigkeit, CSR und innovatives Wachstum, FAZ Institut publiziert.
- An article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled „Ein neues nachhaltiges Bildungswesen ist nötig: Als Fundament für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung sowie für unsere Gesellschaft und Umwelt“ was published by Bulletin Online 2022 BCCG Future Relations und gemeinsame Zukunftsthemen.
January 2022
Research Project:
Optimization of Risk and Crisis Communication of Governments, Authorities and Health Care Organizations (MIRKKOMM)
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences investigates risk and crisis communication in the Corona pandemic.
Since November 2021, the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences has been involved in a large-scale research project analyzing the risk and crisis communication of governments, authorities and health care organizations in the Corona pandemic. A research team at the SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts (SOPA), led by Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner, is investigating for the first time what requirements and expectations journalists and social media actors in particular have of the content of such institutions, how they deal with it, and how and why they create their specific posts from it using their own visual design tools. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the three-year project as part of the "Research for Civil Security" program (with 313,000 euros).
November 2021
- A book written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg and Susanne Bachmann entitled „Effiziente Krisenkommunikation – transparent und authentisch“ was published by Springer Gabler.
- An audio book based on the book written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg entitled „30 Minuten Wirkungsvoll kommunizieren“ was published by GABAL-Verlag.
- An article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg entitled „Generationswechsel“ in: Strategische Personalarbeit in der Transformation - Partizipation und Mitbestimmung für ein erfolgreiches HRM. Ed. by Rainer Gröber & Inga Dransfeld-Haase, was published by Bund-Verlag.
September 2021
After 2020, the Coaching Research Paper of the Year Award of Henley Business School goes again to SRH. Prof. Dr. Carolin Graßmann and Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly win it for the article "Coaching with Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Capabilities", published in the Human Resource Development Review.
In the article, Stephen Palmer's coaching process model is used as a basis and Brynjolfsson and Mitchell's (2017) AI criteria are used to examine which process steps artificial intelligences can potentially take over in coaching.
August 2021
Publications by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg
An article written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg entitled „Faktor Menschlichkeit: Erfolgsgarant für Digital Leadership“ in: Sonderband Zukunft der Arbeit (Human Resources Consulting Review. Band 12). Ed. by Jens Nachtwei & Antonia Sureth, was published VQP.
A book edited by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg, Peter Spiegel, Arndt Pechstein und Annekathrin Grünbergentitled „Future Skills. 30 Zukunftsentscheidende Kompetenzen und wie wir sie lernen können.“ was published by Vahlen.
A book written by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès entitled „ Ferngesteuert?! Hin zur Digitalen Souveränität.“ was published by Springer.
July 2021
81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting
On July 31st, 2021, Jan Koch presented the paper “Managing the Crisis: How COVID-19 Demands Interact with Agile Project Management in Predicting Employee Exhaustion“, which he developed together with Carsten Schermuly, at the 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is the largest international conference on management and took place virtually this year. The abstract of the paper can be found here.
On July 31st, 2021, Laura Creon presented the paper „Welcome to Our (Divided) Team: Perceived Subgroups and LMX During Newcomer Socialization“, which she developed together with Carsten Schermuly, at the 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is the largest international conference on management and took place virtually this year. The abstract of the paper can be found here.
32nd International Congress of Psychology
On July 22nd, 2021 Am 22.07.2021 Laura Creon presented the paper „A new pathway to training transfer: Psychologically empowered training participants“, which she developed together with Carsten Schermuly, at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology. The presentation was part of the symposium „Contemporary developments in training and learning in the workplace“ which she had organized together with Carolin Graßmann (VICTORIA International University of Applied Sciences) and Julian Decius (Paderborn University). The international conference takes place every four years and is among the largest worldwide in the area of Psychology. This year, the conference was held virtually.
Prof. Dr. Carsten Schermuly was selected by Personalmagazin as one of the 40 leading HR minds of 2021. The award honors personalities in the categories of management, science and consulting who have advanced HR in Germany with their topics. Carsten Schermuly was honored above all for his research work in the field of new work and coaching. You can watch the video speech here:
June 2021
21. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologys
Professor Alexander Iliev, Mayank Dewli, Muhsin Kalkan, Preeti Prakash Kudva and Rekha Turkar participated in "The CompSysTech'21 International Conference" and presented their paper titled Acoustic Event Detection and Sound Separation for security systems and IoT devices on June 19, 2021.
The paper was awarded THE BEST PAPER Crystal Award by the international program committee. The conference was held at the University of Ruse (Bulgaria) on 18-19. June 2021.
Future Skills of EU Green Deal
The EU Green Deal, a holistic approach to deal with the extensive challenges of climate change, and its importance is undisputable – but how can the ambitious sustainability goals be met?
The EIT Cross KIC initiative and SRH University of Applied Sciences Berlin have jointly developed a white paper, which analyzes essential future skills to meet the requirements of the EU Green Deal.
The conducted survey with experts from industry, academics and politics in affected domains has identified the necessity of specific training and education to develop new overall skills (e.g., interdisciplinary and system thinking). Those new overall skills are critical success factors for the prosperous implementation of the EU Green Deal in all areas of life.
Agile Project Management
Is agile project management a resource or an additional demand for project employees during the COVID-19 pandemic? Jan Koch and Carsten Schermuly surveyed individuals in Germany (n = 168) and the USA (n = 292) during the first wave of the pandemic. The result is the article "Managing the Crisis: How COVID-19 Demands Interact with Agile Project Management in Predicting Employee Exhaustion"; recently published online by the British Journal of Management (BJM).
March 2021
On 23 March 2021, Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander J. Wulf from SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences co-organizes the German-Japan Joint Symposium on ”Smart City and its Ethical, Legal and Social Issues”. The conference is hosted by the RIKEN AIP AI Ethics and Society Team. Other Co-organizers are Osaka University Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI Center) General Research Division and the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. The online conference begins at 08.20 AM German time, 16:20 PM Japanese Time. Conference languages are German and Japanese, there will be simultaneous translation. Registration is free but required. To register please send an email to with the subject line: “German-Japan Joint Symposium” including:
- 1. Name
- 2. Affiliation (Department / Division) and Position
- 3. Country
- 4. E-mail address
February 2021
In the recently published handbook "The Bloomsbury Handbook Of The Anthropology Of Sound" (ed. Holger Schulze), Prof. Dr. Marcus S. Kleiner discusses the topic of "Sonic Desire" in his article "The Admiration" from an autoethnographic perspective and with reference to the topics of performativity, sensology, education and fan fiction.
In October 2020, the widely discussed monograph "Streamland. Wie Netflix, Amazon Prime und Co. unsere Demokratie bedrohen" (Streamland: How Netflix, Amazon Prime and Co. threaten our democracy) by Prof. Dr. Marcus S. Kleiner was published by Droemer Verlag. Kleiner presents a differentiated critique of 'the' digital transformation using the example of on-demand video streaming services.
January 2021
Prof. Dr. Carsten C. Schermuly and colleagues from TU Dresden have been awarded with the Coaching Research Paper Award 2020 by Henley Business School for the following article:Schermuly, C. C., Wach, D., Kirschbaum, C., & Wegge, J. (in press). Coaching of insolvent entrepreneurs and the change in coping resources, health, and cognitive performance. Applied psychology.