SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
University Management

Prof. Dr. Gesa Beck

Vice President "Sustainable Development", Professor of Environmental Process Engineering, Director of the Institute for Applied Resource Strategies

Office hours by appointment
Room: BST: S.107
Phone: +49 30 51 56 50 - 804
About me

About me

ABCircular GmbH Founder and Managing Director
Professor of Environmental Process Engineering, Director of the Institute for Applied Resource Strategies (IARS), Head of the Laboratory for Sustainable Waste and Wastewater Technologies | SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Fraunhofer Applied Center for Resource Efficiency ARess Management with scientific and financial responsibility
Technical University of Aschaffenburg Research professor for "Resource-efficient design of products and engineering fundamentals"
Chair for Resource Strategy, University of Augsburg W2 professor for "Chemistry of Materials and Resources" in the chair of Prof. Dr. Armin Reller
Dr. rer. nat., Justus Liebig University Gießen, physical chemistry with Prof. Jürgen Janek at the University of Hanover (08/97-10/99) and at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (11/99 - 12/02)

Topic: Magnetoresistance effect in the silver selenide-silver system

Degree in chemistry (in physical chemistry), Leibniz Universität Hannover Subsidiary subjects technical chemistry and biochemistry, diploma thesis with Prof. Hermann Schmalzried in the Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Topic: Measurement of penetration resistances at inner phase boundaries


  • Lecture and Exercise “Materials Science and Physical Chemistry”
  • Lecture and Exercise “Sustainable Waste and Water Technologies”
  • Lecture, Exercise and Lab course “Alternative Power Supply”
  • Lecture and Exercise “Environmental Analytics”
  • Elective Lecture including lab course “Sustainable Waste Processing Technologies”
  • Lab Courses “Material Science”, “Water Analytics” and “Recycling technologies”


Environmental process technologies, resource strategies, sustainability:

  • Waste technologies, focus: recycling of technology materials, composites, plastics
  • Basic research in the field of new energy systems
  • Substitutions of supply-critical materials
  • Functional forms and reduction of aging processes
  • Circulation of CO2
  • resource-efficient production
  • Environmental, quality and sustainability management
  • recyclable design

Physical chemical methods:

  • Electrochemistry
  • catalytic and electrocatalytic processes
  • electrical transport processes in batteries and fuel cells
  • Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
  • Thermochemical processes (e.g. pyrolysis)
  • Green chemistry
  • Electrical and magnetic measurements, magnetoresistance effect
  • Microstructure investigations using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (REM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)

Project acquisition and management:

  • 4 BMBF projects
  • 4 BMWi projects
  • 2 DFG projects
  • 1 DBU project
  • 1 EU project
  • about 40 industrial projects

Current research projects:

  • BMBF/KMU innovative project "Development and evaluation of innovative recycling methods for the recovery of tantalum from electronic waste - IRETA2"
    Funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    Period: 03/01/2020 – 06/31/2022
    Project partners: Mairec Edelmetallgesellschaft mbH, Robot-Technology GmbH, SLCR Lasertechnik GmbH, Smart Services GmbH, Tantec GmbH, Fraunhofer IWKS
    Optimization of the laser disassembly of the tantalum capacitors and purification of the tantalum up to 99.6% purity.
  • SRH lighthouse project "Sustainable recycling solutions for supply-critical technology metals - focus: indium and gallium (INGA)"
    Funding by SRH Berlin
    Period: October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2023 (extension to September 30, 2025 possible)
    Recovery of gallium and indium from electronic waste by means of selective electrochemical dissolution and deposition as well as selective melting and centrifugation.

Projects in master theses:

  • Social sustainability assessment for IRETA2
  • Recycling of PV modules
  • Recycling the cathode material from lithium-ion batteries
  • Life cycle assessment and trend analysis of synthetic fuels
  • Microbiological degradation of PET
  • Pyrolysis of plastics
  • Recycling of plastic composites

Doctoral theses:

  • Transparent, conductive coatings by composite material based on magnetic nanoparticles
  • Sustainable recycling solutions for supply-critical technology metals - focus: indium and gallium (INGA)
  • Development and evaluation of innovative recycling routes to recover tantalum from electronic waste - IRETA2
  • Substitute fuels in the cement industry
  • Chemical recycling of composite plastic waste

Publications and Talks

Book articles

“The Magnetoresistance of Metal­-Rich Ag2+xSe - A Prototype Nanoscale Metal/Semiconductor Dispersion?”, J. Janek, B. Mogwitz, G. Beck, M. v. Kreutzbruck, L. Kienle and C. Korte, pages : 89-118. In: Hybrid Nanostructured Materials and their Applications, T. Ohashi, S. Sominatac, M. Wada (eds.), Words Publ. House, Kyoto 2005 (ISBN: 4-9902429-0-4).

“Platinum Films on YSZ with Different Types of Grain Boundaries – Microstructure Changes due to Annealing and Oxygen Removal”, G. Beck , Invited chapter in “Platinum: Compounds, Production and Applications”, NOVA Science Publications Social and Physical Sciences, New York, USA 2012.

Articles in international journals

“Positive and Negative Magnetoresistance in the System Silver-Selenium”, G.Beck and J. Janek, Physica B 308 – 310 (2001) 1086-1089.

“Coulometric Titration at Low Temperatures - Nonstoichiometric Silver Selenide”, G. Beck and J. Janek, Solid State Ionics 170(1/2) (2004) 129-133.

“The Magnetoresistance of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Silver-Rich Silver Selenide”, G. Beck, C. Korte, J. Janek, Fr. Gruhl and M. von Kreutzbruck, J. Appl. Phys. 96(10) (2004) 5619-5624.

“The magnetoresistance of metal-rich Ag2+xSe. A prototype nanoscale metal/semiconductor dispersion?”, J. Janek, B. Mogwitz, G. Beck, M. Kreutzbruck, L. Kienle, C. Korte, Progress in Solid State Chemistry 32(3-4) (2005) 179-205.

“Magnetism in magnetic nanowire arrays“, G. Beck, K. Petrikowski, H.R. Khan, Freiberger Forschungshefte B B331(Microstructure Analysis in the Materials Science) (2005) 23-25.

“Epitaxial Pt(111) Thin Film Electrodes on YSZ(111) and on YSZ(100) – Preparation and Characterisation”, G. Beck, H. Fischer, E. Mutoro, V. Srot, K. Petrikowski, E. Tchernychova, M. Wuttig, M. Rühle, B. Luerßen and J. Janek, Solid State Ionics 178 (2007) 327-337.

“Influence of the Microstructure of the Aluminum Substrate on the Regularity of the Nanopore Arrangement in an Alumina Layer Formed by Anodic Oxidation”, G. Beck and K. Petrikowski, Surf. Coat. Technol. 202 (2008) 5084-5091.

“Negative and Linear Positive Magnetoresistance Effect in Silver-Rich Silver Selenide”, G. Beck and J. Janek, Solid State Sciences 10 (2008) 776-789, Invited paper, Special edition for the 75. birthday of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. H. Schmalzried.

“Phase Composition of Electrodeposited Silver-Indium Alloys”, Ts. Dobrovolska, G. Beck, I. Krastev and A. Zielonka, J. Solid State Electrochem. 12 (2008) 1461-1467.

“Preventing Color Differences in Anodized Aluminum Surfaces”, S. Funk and G. Beck, Metall (International Journal of Metallurgy) 62/5 (2008) 292-294.

“Properties of Silver-Tin Alloys Obtained from Pyrophosphate-Cyanide Electrolytes Containing EDTA Salts”, A. Hrussanova , I. Krastev, G. Beck and A. Zielonka, J. Appl. Electrochem. 40/12 (2010) 2145-2151.

“Phase identification in electrodeposited Ag–Cd alloys by anodic linear sweep voltammetry and X-ray diffraction techniques”, Ts. Dobrovolska, I. Krastev, B.M. Jovi, V.D. Jovi, G. Beck, U. Lacnjevac and A. Zielonka, Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 4344-4350.

“Microstructure of Platinum Films on YSZ Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, G. Beck, H. Pöpke, B. Luerßen and J. Janek, Journal of Crystal Growth 322 (2011) 95-102.

“Regularity of Nanopores in Anodic Alumina Formed on Orientated Aluminium Single Crystals”, G. Beck and R. Bretzler, Materials Chemistry and Physics 128 (2011) 383–387.

 “Correlation between Optical Appearance and Microstructure of Aluminium”, G. Beck und S. Funk, Surface Coatings and Technology 206 (2012) 2371-2379.

“Twins within Palladium and Platinum Films on YSZ – Location for Hole Formation during De-Wetting and Oxygen Exchange”, G. Beck and J. Janek, Solid State Ionics 227 (2012) 57–65.

“Alternating nanopores in anodic alumina grown within aluminium tubes”, G. Beck, Materials Chemistry and Physics 137 (2012) 5-11.

“Effect of current density on composition and structure of electrodeposited Au-Co alloy coatings”, M. Monev, A. Pfund, G. Beck, K. Petrov, R. Bretzler, U. Heuberger, A. Zielonka, Transactions Institute of Metal Finishing 90/6 (2012) 305-310.

“Correlation between Microstructure and Oxygen Removal in Solid-Oxide-Fuel-Cell-Modelelectrodes Pt/YSZ and Pd/YSZ”, G.Beck, Ceramic Transactions 239 (Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy II) (2013) 15-23.

“Effect of current density on composition and structure of electrodeposited Au-Ni alloy coatings”, M. Monev, A. Pfund, G. Beck, K. Petrov, R. Bretzler, U. Heuberger, A. Zielonka, Transactions Institute of Metal Finishing 91(4) (2013) 176-181.

“Oxygen removal at grain boundaries in platinum films on YSZ”, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, Solid State Ionics 262 (2014) 508-511.

“Microstructural changes due to anodic polarisation of palladium and silver films on YSZ”, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, Solid State Ionics 263 (2014) 80-86.

“Thermal stability of platinum, palladium and silver films on yttrium-stabilised zirconia”, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, R. Bretzler, R. Kmeth, Thin Solid Films 573 (2014) 164–175.

“Epitaxial and non-epitaxial platinum, palladium and silver films on yttrium-stabilised zirconia”, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, R. Bretzler, R. Kmeth, Materials Chemistry and Physics 158 (2015) 107-114.

“An approach for transparent and electrically conducting coatings: A transparent plastic varnish with nanoparticulate magnetic additives”, G. Beck, S. Barcikowski, K. Chakravadhanula, M. Comesaña-Hermo, M. Deng, M. Farle, M. Hilgendorff, T. Hülser, J. Jakobi, J. Janek, L. Kienle, B. Mogwitz, T. Schubert, F. Stiemke, Thin Solid Films 595 (2015) 96–107.

“Anomalous electrodeposition of gold-indium alloys, B.-K. Choi, F. Sauer, G. Beck, R. Stauber, T. Dobrovolska, Journal Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2017

“Electrodeposition of heterogeneous nickel-indium-alloys”, F. Sauer, B.-K. Choi, G. Beck, R. Stauber, T. Dubrovolska, eingereicht 13. September 2017 bei Serbien Engineers Society of Corrosion (Zastita materijala)

 “Recovery of Tantalum from Printed Circuit Boards − An overview of the IRETA Project”, F. Sauer, B. Choi, G. Beck, M. Wickleder, World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL 4/2019

“Optical determination of filter effectiveness in potentially aerosol contaminated classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic”, T. Pfeiffer. B. Domínguez, H. Khadse, B. Choi, G. Beck, M. Hartmann, Electronic Imaging 2021(3):144-1-144-11, DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.3.MOBMU-144

“Bibliometric Analysis; Characteristics and Trends of Refuse Derived Fuel Research”, Khadija Sarquah Satyanarayana Narra, Gesa Beck, Edward A. Awafo and Edward Antwi, February 2022, Sustainability 14(4):1994, DOI:10.3390/su14041994

“Laser-generated iron-gold-particles: Particle’s properties in dependence of synthesis parameters”, M. Jelić, E. Muelhausen, S. Barchikowski, B. Gökce, S. Rieggd, M. Kamp, M. Wickleder, G. Beck, Manuskript für Nanostructures & Nano-Objects

“Dissambly of Tantalum Capacitors from Waste PCBs”, F. Sauer, J. Ruecker, G. Beck, U. Bochtler, and T. Maier, Manuskript für Ressources, Conservation and Recycling

“Investigation of dissolution of Cu, Fe and Ni in electrochemical medium for refining in E-waste Recycling process”, H. Khadse, A. Bernal, B. Choi, G. Beck, Manuscript für J. Appl. Electrochem.

Articles in national journals

"Preparation of transparent conductive coatings”, G. Beck, besserLackieren 04 (2012) 16.

“AiF/IGF-Project: Magnetic Nanovarnish”, G. Beck, NMN Materialkompass, 02/2012.

Talks/Conference presentations

“Experimental Investigation of the Ion Transport across Solid/Solid-Interfaces“, G. Beck, J. Janek, Jährliche Tagung der GDCh, Abteilung „Festkörperchemie und Materialforschung“, Saarbrücken, September 1998.

“Experimental Investigation of the Magnetoresistance of a-Ag2+d Se“, G. Beck und J. Janek, Jahrestagung der Bunsengesellschaft, Dortmund, Mai 1999.

“Experimental Study on the Magnetoresistance of Silver-Rich and Stoichiometric a-Ag2+δSe“, G. Beck und J. Janek, International Conference on Modern Materials and Technology (CIMTEC), in Venedig (Italien), Juni 2000.

“Positive and Negative Magnetoresistance in the System Silver-Selenium”, G. Beck und J. Janek, International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS), Gießen, Juli 2001.

“Magnetoresistance of Silver-Rich and Stoichiometric a-Ag2+δSe”, G. Beck und J. Janek, United Engineering Foundation (UEF) Conference on Nonstoichiometric Ceramics and Intermetallics in Barga/Toskana (Italien), September 2001.

“Magnetism in Magnetic Nanowire Arrays”, G. Beck, K. Petrikowski und H. R. Khan, 56. BHT International Conference (Freiberger Forschungshefte), eingeladener Vortrag, Freiberg, Juni 2005.

“Preparation and Magnetoresistance of Ag2+xSe/Ag Thin Film Dispersions”, B. Mogwitz, M. von Kreutzbruck, L. Kienle, C. Korte, G. Beck und J. Janek, 99th Bunsen Colloquium “Solid State Reactivity – From Macro to Nano“, in Eltville, Juni 2007.

“Ni-nanowire Arrays in Alumina - Influence of the Microstructure of the Starting Material Aluminium on the Nanowire Arrangement", G. Beck und K. Petrikowski, Workshop “Magnetic Nanoparticles: Challenges and Future Prospects”, Leiden (Holland), Juni 2007.

“Magnetic Nanowire Arrays in Alumina - Influence of the Microstructure of the Starting Material Aluminium on the Nanowire Arrangement", G. Beck und K. Petrikowski, International conference on fine particle magnetism, Rom (Italien), Oktober 2007.           

“Epitaxial Pt(111) Thin Film Electrodes on YSZ(111) and YSZ(100) – Preparation and Characterisation”, G. Beck, K. Petrikowski, H. Fischer, E. Mutoro, B.  Luerssen, V. Srot und M. Rühle, Konferenz der GDCh, Electrochemistry – Crossing Boundaries, Giessen, Oktober 2008.

“Preparation and Characterisation of Single and Polycrystalline Platinum Films on YSZ”, G. Beck, H. Poepken, B.  Luerssen, J. Janek, Bunsentagung, Köln, Mai 2009.

“Regularity of Nanopores in Anodic Alumina formed on (111), (110) and (100) Aluminium”, G. Beck and R. Bretzler, International conference on fine particle magnetism, Uppsala (Sweden), Juni 2010.

“Transparent and Electric Coatings”, G. Beck, B. Mogwitz, J. Janek and M. Kirsch, International “Stuttgarter Nanodays” Conference, Ludwigsburg, September 2011.

“Correlation between Microstructure and Oxygen Removal in Solid-Oxide-Fuel-Cell-Modelelectrodes Pt/YSZ and Pd/YSZ”, G. Beck, Material Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energies”, Conference, Florida (USA), Februar 2012.

“Phase composition of electrodeposited Au-Co and Au-Ni alloy coatings“, M. Monev, G. Beck, K. Petrov, A. Zielonka, Sofia Electrochemical Days 2012, Sofia, Bulgarien, Dezember 2012.

“Oxygen Removal at Defects in Platinum, Palladium and Silver Films on YSZ”, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics,
Kyoto (Japan), Juni 2013.

“Transparent and Conductive Coatings with Nanoparticulate Magnetic Additives”, G. Beck, M. Kirsch, S. Barcikowski, Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (Hybrid Materials 2015), Sitges (Spain), März 2015.

“Improving the Material Efficiency or Substitution of Platinum in the System Pt/YSZ”, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, R. Bretzler, 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Keystone, Colorado (USA), Juni 2015.

“Transparent and Conductive Coatings with Nanoparticulate Magnetic Additives”, G. Beck, M. Jelic, M. Kirsch, B. Gökce and S. Barcikowski, 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Keystone, Colorado (USA), Juni 2015.

“Ressourceneffizienz”, G. Beck, Lions Club Alzenau, Oktober 2015.

“Transparent and Conductive Coatings with Nanoparticulate Magnetic Additives”, M. Jelic, G. Beck, M. Kirsch, B. Gökce and S. Barcikowski, 4. Nano Today Konferenz, Dubai (UAE), Dezember 2015.

“Improving the Material Efficiency or Substitution of Platinum in the System Pt/YSZ”, D. Prygodda, G. Beck, C. Bachmann, R. Bretzler, Material Science Engineering MSE, Darmstadt, September 2016.

“Transparent and Conductive Coatings with Nanoparticulate Magnetic Additives”, M. Jelic, G. Beck, M. Kirsch, B. Gökce and S. Barcikowski, Material Science Engineering MSE, Darmstadt, September 2016.

“Ressourceneffizienz”, G. Beck, IHK Aschaffenburg, Oktober 2016.

„Rohstoffe, Erderwärmung, Artensterben - Quo vadis Erde?, G. Beck, VHS Aschaffenburg, Januar 2017.

,,Entwicklung und Bewertung innovativer Recyclingwege zur Rückgewinnung von Tantal aus Elektronikabfällen‘‘, F. Sauer und G. Beck, GDMB – Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute, Fachausschuss Sondermetalle, Oktober 2018.

„Forschung am Fraunhofer-Anwendungszentrum Ressourceneffizienz“, G. Beck, Rotary Club Aschaffenburg, November 2018.

„Ressourceneffiziente Produktion - Weiterbildung an der TH Aschaffenburg für Unternehmen“, G. Beck, IHK Aschaffenburg, Arbeitskreis Umweltschutz, April 2019

„Electrochemistry for Metal Recovery from Mixed Waste”, Himanshu Khadse, Adriana Bernal, Bum-Ki Choi, Gesa Beck, Session “Circular Materials”, MaterialsWeek September 2021

„Purification of Tantalum from Capacitors – IRETA2”, B. Choi, B. Dominguez, T. Necke, J. Rossa, F. Sauer, S. Vorwerk, G. Beck, Session “Circular Materials”, MaterialsWeek September 2021

„Recycling of PC or PMMA from PE-laminated production waste”, Saransh Kalia, Arantza Ramirez, Daniel Erceg, Gesa Becka, Session “Circular Materials”, MaterialsWeek September 2021

„Electrochemical recovery of manganese from applications of manganese dioxide”, Sundar Nagarajan, Bum-Ki Choi, Gesa Beck, Session “Circular Materials”, MaterialsWeek September 2021

“Material Flow Cost Accounting - A Strong Tool for Economic Assessment of Recycling Technologies on the example of the IRETA2 Project”, Caitlin Walls, Bum-Ki Choi, Florian Sauer, Batcheva Téllez Domínguez, Sundar Nagarajan, Gesa Beck Session “Circular Materials”, MaterialsWeek September 2021

“Sekundärrohstoff Tantal aus Elektroabfällen”, G. Beck, Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Energieverfahrenstechnik,  Gasreinigung, Hochtemperaturtechnik, Rohstoffe, Bamberg, März 2022


  • since April 2022: Head of the "Life Cycle and Sustainability Assessment" sub-working group of the DIN standardization roadmap for the "Circular Economy"
  • since October 2021: Member of the dialogue platform for recycling raw materials, sub-working group on technology metals
  • since July 2021: Head of the DGM technical committee "Circular Materials"
  • since 2004: Member of the German Society for Materials Science (DGM)
  • since 2000: Member of the German Physical Society (DPG)
  • since 1997: Member of the German Bunsen Society (DBG)

Further information

  • Conference organisation:
    Member of the Scientific Committee of EUROMAT 2023
    Topic coordinator of the MSE 2022
    Topic coordinator of the materials week 2021
  • Reviewer for the BMBF (PTJ) and the EU (Horizon 2020)
  • Certificate of the BELL-School Cambridge “Intensive English – Bavarian Professors”
  • Obtaining the “Certificate in University Teaching from the Bavarian Universities”
  • Online Study for "Quality Management", sgd, Darmstadt