SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Biehl

Professor for Media and Communication Management, Study programme director B.A. Creative Industries Management and M.A. International Management - Creative Leadership, Director of the Institute for Professional Development in the Creative Industries (IWK)

Phone: +49 30 51 56 50 - 908
About me

About me

Researcher at FernUniversität in Hagen, Faculty of Business Administration & Economics, Project co-lead: "Gender and digital leadership"

Member of the International Board Management Learning

Editorial Board Member Leadership (Sage)  

Associate Editor Organizational Aesthetics (Tavistock Institute of Human Relations) 

Guest Professor for Gender and Queer Studies in Leadership | FernUniversity in Hagen
Professor of Media and Communication, Head of B.A. Creative Industries Management and M.A. International Management - Creative Leadership, Director of the Institute for Professional Development in the Creative Industries (IWK)

Head of study programme

Head of institute

Visiting Professor, Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM), Université Paris Dauphine, Paris
Lecturer in the Management, Marketing and Organization Group | University of Essex, Essex Business School
Freelance communication consultant and speaker
Professor for Public Relations, Journalism and Business | BSP Business School Berlin
Postgraduate Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education PCGTHE | Aberystwyth University, UK
Lecturer in Marketing, Visiting Lecturer | Aberystwyth University (University of Wales)
Public Relations Consultant | Pleon (Ketchum Pleon)
PhD Goethe University Frankfurt (Theater, film and media studies) on „Business is show business. The presentation of top managers on annual shareholder meetings, press conferences and analyst conferences” (supervised by Prof. Dr. Hans-Thies Lehmann)
M.A. Theatre, Film and Media Studies, Business Studies | Goethe University Frankfurt | Université Paris X Nanterre, France | University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

I have contributed to these publications

Biehl, B. & Schönfeld, K. (2023) Writing differently with film: An animated video on gender, language and leadership. Gender, Work & Organization

Biehl, B. (2023) ‘Dracarys’ for all: TV series and experiential learning. Management Learning 54(2):129-151.

Biehl, B. & Satama, S. (2023) Popular culture and leadership. In Schedlitzki, D., Larsson, M., Carroll, B., Bligh, M. & Epitropaki, O. (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Leadership 2. ed., 418-432. London: Sage.

Biehl, B. (2022) The diva, la Traviata, the gendered spectacle: Marina Abramović’s ‘7 Deaths of Maria Callas’. Business Ethics Quarterly 32(4): 681-685.

Biehl, B. (2021) Luxury in Germany. From ‘sick cars’ to healthy bodies. Society 58: 385-391.

Tams, S., Biehl, B. & Eliseev, N. (2021). The inner Louis-Vuitton-circle. An arts-based inquiry into luxury in Russia. Society 58: 406-412.

Biehl, B. & vom Lehn, D. (2021) Atmospheres as dynamic configurations: The case of a museum and a techno club. In: De Molli, F. & Vecco, M. (Hg.) The Metamorphosis of Organisational Space in Cultural and Creative Sectors. Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective, 27-39. London: Routledge.

Biehl, B. (2020) Management in der Kreativwirtschaft. Grundlagen und Basiswissen. Wiesbaden: Springer/Gabler Verlag.

Biehl, B. (2020) Leadership in Game of Thrones. (Serienkulturen: Analyse – Kritik – Bedeutung, edited by M. S. Kleiner). Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag

Biehl, B.: Tanz, Organisation und Leadership: Eine kritische und ästhetische Perspektive. In Hartz, R. Nienhüser, W., Rätzer, M. (eds.) Ästhetik und Organisation, 69-92. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Biehl, B.: ‘Women ‘in motion’: The kinaesthetic viewing experience in Chinese viral advertising films’, Consumption, Markets & Culture DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2019.1586680

DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2019.1586680

Biehl-Missal, B. & Volkmann, C.: ‘Spirits, dancing in the flesh’: Choreography and organization. Culture and Organization 25(4): 284-299.

Biehl-Missal, B.: Filling the ‘empty space’: Site-specific dance in a techno club. Culture and Organisation 25(1): 16-31.

Biehl, B.: ‘In the mix’: Relational leadership explored through an analysis of techno DJs and dancers. Leadership 15(3): 339-359.

Biehl-Missal, B.: Book forum: On Gernot Böhme’s “Critique of aesthetic capitalism”. Studi di Estetica - Italian Journal of Aesthetics 3: 235-267

Ditzel, S., Möller Palza, S. & Biehl, B.: “Somebody has to organize their freedom”: Influencer and artist management in the gaming industry. In Kleiner, M., Welker. M. & Wünsch, U. (eds.). Atmosphären des Populären III. (...), 55-83. Berlin: Gizeh.

Biehl, B. (2018) Der Daimler und der Jabberwocky: Künstlerische Kritik an Managern und Kunst als Mittel zur Personalentwicklung. In: Sánchez, Y. (ed.) Business Fiktionen, Literatur - Kultur – Ökonomie, 49-76. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag.

Biehl, B.: Dance and Organisation. Integrating Dance Theory and Methods into the Study of Management. New York: Routledge.

Biehl, B. & vom Lehn, D.: Four-to-the-floor: The techno discourse and aesthetic work in Berlin. Society 53(6): 608-613

Biehl-Missal, B. & Springborg, C. (eds.): Dance, Leadership and Organisation. Organizational Aesthetics 5(1): 1-194.

Biehl-Missal, B.: ‘I write like a painter’: Feminine creation with arts-based methods in organizational research. Gender, Work and Organization 22(2): 179-196.

Biehl-Missal, B. & vom Lehn, D.: Aesthetic atmospheres in museums. A critical marketing perspective. In Macdonald, S. and Rees-Leahy, H. Museum Media / International Handbooks of Museum Studies, ed. by Michelle Henning, 235-258. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Biehl-Missal, B.: Atmosphere of the Image: An Aesthetic Concept for Visual Analysis. Consumption, Markets & Culture, 16(4): 356-367.

Biehl-Missal, B.: Art, fashion and anti-consumption. Journal of Macromarketing 33(3): 245-257

Biehl-Missal, B. & Saren, M.: Atmospheres of Seduction: A Critique of Aesthetic Marketing Practices. Journal of Macromarketing 32(2): 168-180.

Biehl-Missal, B.: Business is show business. Management presentations as performance. Journal of Management Studies 48(3): 619-645.

Biehl-Missal, B.: Wirtschaftsästhetik. Wie Unternehmen die Kunst als Inspiration und Werkzeug nutzen. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Biehl, B.: Business is Showbusiness. Wie Topmanager sich vor Publikum inszenieren. Frankfurt: Campus.

These are selected works.

Please find the complete list of publications here.

Keynote speeches

Conference: Biehl, B. & Weibler, J. & Referat Chancengerechtigkeit & Gleichstellungsstelle (2022) Jenseits von Wonder Woman und Superman - Zukunftsweisende Führung in Film und Serien, Online-Tagung anlässlich des Weltfrauentags, FernUniversität in Hagen (10-18:00) 8.3.

Biehl, B.: Dance in New Areas: Integrating dance methods into businesses and management for personal and leadership development. G-ACE International Conference, “Organization and Management for Dance” Sangmyung University, Art Center, Seoul, S. Korea

Biehl, Brigitte: Gesprächskonzert „Jazz-Improvisation als Metapher für ein neues Zusammenspiel in Unternehmen“, mit Claus-Dieter Bandorf (piano), Andreas Henze (bass), Rainer Winch (drums). Jazzclub Kunstfabrik Schlot, Berlin.

Biehl, B.: „Im Zwischenraum: Künstlerisch-kreative Erfahrungen als Kompetenz in digitalen Welten.“ BarCamp: Kulturelle Bildung im Digitalen Zeitalter #kub20xx (MUTIK), Zeche Zollverein, Essen.

Biehl, B.: „Wirtschaftsästhetik. Ästhetik und Kunst als Inspirationsquelle.“ 10. KulturInvest-Kongress: 100 Impulse zwischen Ästhetik und Effizienz, Causales, Radialsystem, Berlin.

Biehl, B.: “Dance and Leadership: How leaders and followers relate and influence each other”. Leading and Facilitating within Practice Development in Healthcare, Enhancing Practice Conference 2018, Basel, Schweiz, CH.

Biehl-Missal, B.: “Aesthetic Capitalism Research in an Era of Cultural Creativity”. International Seminar on Contemporary Art and Anthropology: Exploring the state of the art in Fashion Studies Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

Biehl-Missal, B.: „Leadership as an Art, Aspekte der Führungskommunikation. Welche Rolle spielt die Wahrnehmung?“ Abschiedssymposium Esther Sackmann Rageth: Führung in komplexen Gesundheitsorganisationen, Universitätsspital Basel, CH.


  • Media Studies
  • Cultural Theory & Popular Culture
  • Marketing & Society
  • Luxury, Consumption & Sustainability
  • Research & Academic Career
  • Public Relations

Research Areas

  • Art of management
  • Aesthetic approaches to management and organisation
  • Creative approaches to leadership
  • Learning for leadership from TV series, performance studies, dance and DJ studies
  • Women in management
  • Critical management studies
  • Marketing, visual studies, luxury
  • Organisational space, marketing and consumption spaces, architectures
  • Public Relations (CEO communications, events, rhetoric)

Memberships and further commitment

Since 2023: Gender Work & Organization, Associate Editor

Since 2014: Organisational Aesthetics Journal (Worcester Polytechnic, USA): Editor

Since 2007: Membership in professional bodies:

  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (UK)
  • International Network for Visual Studies in Organizations
  • Vida Scholars Critical Management Studies Women's Association
  • AACORN - the Arts, Aesthetics, Creativity and Organisations Research Network
  • ELIA Art Schools
  • BAM British Academy of Management (2007-2010)
  • EGOS European Group of Organizational Studies
  • Macromarketing Society (2006-2010), EWMD European Women’s Management Development (Gruppe Rhein-Main 2002-2006; Berlin Brandenburg ab 2021)