SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
International Affairs

SRH Berlin takes off for another round of IVAC

The project for international virtual collaboration between universities has been renewed for another year.

Supply Chain Management Master Studierende

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will fund 60 new virtual university collaboration projects in the "International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC)" program starting on 1 October 2021. The projects at 46 universities will be funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) until the end of September 2022.

After the successful approval for the academic year 2020-2021, the IVAC team submitted another application in May 2021 and received funding for new ideas for virtual, international collaboration. With the title "IVAC 2.0: The Key to Sustainable Employability Skills Development," this time the focus will be set on the acquisition of soft skills.

The partial funding requires the university's own contribution, which should ensure the sustainability and long-term establishment of the foreseen activities.

IVAC 2.0 milestones include:

  • The development and curricular anchoring of international, digital, collaborative formats in different modules at SRH Berlin;
  • The creation of a cross-university extra-curricular offering with a focus on diversity, intercultural understanding and internationality, in close collaboration with the SRH Centre for Languages and Diversity;
  • The establishment of digital badges as a format for the recognition of acquired key competencies.

Funding amount (partial funding): €49,995

Funding period: 1 October 2021 -  30 September 2022

Lisa Gibellino Marchetto

International Programmes Coordinator - Double Degrees and Digitalisation, Project Manager IVAC (on parental leave)