SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
University Management

Prof. Dr. jur. Bert Eichhorn

Professor of International & European Law, Academic Director Global Cooperation Institute

Office hours Open Door Policy
Phone: +49 30 51 56 50 - 921
About me

About me

External Professor at the University of Granada
Executive Director of the Contractual Management Institute Berlin (CMI Berlin) at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Professor of International Law/European Law, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Guest Lecturer: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Marmara University Istanbul, Grande École de Commerce (INSEEC Business School) in Paris and Bordeaux, Ateneo de Manila University, Sapienza University Rome

Lectures: Internet & European Law, Contractual Management, Fundamentals of Thinking Clearly, Arguing & Decision Making in a Managerial Context

Founder & Executive Director of BürgerForumEuropa

EU-financed project in collaboration with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Monetary Institute, the European Institute for International Economic Relations, various government and state ministries, and the business magazine impulse Conferences with ministerial attendance, Book Projects, Virtual Projects.

Legal Adviser for CLT/UFA (Bertelsmann) Luxemburg Primary duties: Counsel in European Media Law and Contract Management
Lecturer and Chairman of the Examination Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (European Sector), Cologne; Pilot Project of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris, London and Cologne for the Continuing Education of Interns
Legal Adviser for the West German Broadcasting Corporation (Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne); Primary duties: Counsel in questions of European Media Law
PhD. (Dr. juris) at the Cologne University, Law Faculty

Topic: "Reparation as international liability for torts - legal and practical problems with special regard to Germany (1918-1990)."

Lawyer. Primary legal fields: (Foreign) Economic Law, Internet Law, European Law, Copyright and Competition Law, Contract and Risk Management Counsel
Legal Adviser at the European Parliament Primary fields: European Integration; Business and Internet Law, Communication, Culture and Media
2nd German State Exam (Staatsexamen), University of Cologne
Junior Lawyer (Referendar), Directorate General of Science, European Parliament
1st German State Exam (Staatsexamen), University of Cologne
Examination (Zwischenprüfung) in Political Philosophy and Ethics, University of Cologne
Studies in International Law, European Law and International Relations, University of Lausanne (Certificate in French Section)
Studies in Law, Philosophy and Economics, University of Cologne


  • International Contractual Management
  • International Economic Law
  • Internet Law
  • European Law


Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2020). Optimierungspotenziale für Projektverträge in der internationalen Diskussion. Zeitschrift deutsches & - internat. Bau- & Vergaberecht (ZfBR), pp. 501-507.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2020). Vertragsrisiken und vertragliches Risikomanagement - Eine Neubestimmung, Zeitschrift Risk Fraud Compliance (ZRFC) 04/2020, p. 156-162.

Eichhorn, Bert (2019). The Second-Hand Software Case. In: Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors). Contractual Management - Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 87-111.

Zimmermann, Giarra; Eichhorn, Bert (2019). The Jamaika Coalition Case. In: Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors). Contractual Management - Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 361-387.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2019). Contractual Management: A Holistic Approach to a Diverse Issue. In: Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors). Contractual Management - Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 3-47.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors) (2019). Contractual Management - Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 1-403.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2017). Reconsidering Contract Risk and Contractual Risk Management, International Journal of Law and Management, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 504-521.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2017). Compliance durch vertragliches Management, Risk, Fraud & Compliance, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 86-91.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2016). Projekterfolg durch vertragliches Management, ProjektManagement pp. 57 – 61.

Eichhorn, Bert; Heinze, Björn; Tamm, Gerrit; Schuhmann, Ralph (2016). Internetrecht im ECommerce, Springer Verlag.

Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2015). From Contract Management to Contractual Management, European Review of Contract Law (ERCL), 1, pp. 1-21.

Eichhorn, Bert; Schuhmann, Ralph (2014). Der Inhalt ist alles, die Form nur Ästhetik? - Leichtverständliche Sprache und Visualisierung für Projektverträge, Zeitschrift für deutsches und internationales Bau- und Vergaberecht, 3, pp. 211-216.

Eichhorn, Bert. Panel Discussion (2013). International Negotiation - Contracts as Tools of Risk, Conflict and Knowledge Management, Short Lecture at SRH Hochschule Berlin.

Eichhorn, Bert; Schuhmann, Ralph (2012). Integration von Wirtschaft und Recht: Vertragswissensmanagement, Akademie - Zeitschrift für Führungskräfte in Verwaltung und Wirtschaft 2/2012, pp. 41 - 44.

Eichhorn, Bert; Schuhmann, Ralph (2011). Der Vertrag als Kooperations- und Kommunikationstreiber. Vom klassischen zu einem prozessorientierten Vertragsverständnis. In: Ladwig, Kunze, Hartmann (Editors). Exit Matters - Auf dem Weg in die Projektgesellschaft, pp. 169 - 203.

Eichhorn, Bert (2007). Internetrecht für Nutzer und Web-Verantwortliche, Beuth Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (2006). Schutz der Leistung im Internet aus urheber- und wettbewerbsrechtlicher Sicht. In: Sokianos, Nicolas P. (Editor), Produkt- und Konzeptpiraterie, Gabler Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (2003). Lehrbuch Internet-Recht, 3. Auflage, Fortis Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (2001). Lehrbuch Internet-Recht, 2. Auflage, Fortis Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (2001). Internet-Rechtsfragen, Evangelisches Soziallexikon, Kohlhammer Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (2000). Lehrbuch Internet-Recht, 1. Auflage, Fortis Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (1999). Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society on a European and International Level. In: Towards Competition in Network Industries: Telecommunication, Energy and Transportation in Europe and Russia, Springer Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (1998). Die Mitwirkung des Jugendhilfeausschusses bei der Kürzung von Fördermitteln für die freie Jugendhilfe - Anmerkungen zur Entscheidung des OVG Münster vom 15.01.1997, Jugendhilfe, Luchterhand Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (1998). Die Europäische Währungsunion im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Politik. In: Welfens, Paul; Eichhorn, Bert; Palinkas, Peter (Hrsg.). Euro - Neues Geld für Europa - Argumente und Fakten zur Europäischen Währungsunion von A bis Z, Campus Verlag.

Welfens, Paul; Eichhorn, Bert; Palinkas, Peter (Hrsg.) (1998). Euro - Neues Geld für Europa - Argumente und Fakten zur Europäischen Währungsunion von A bis Z, Campus Verlag.

Eichhorn, Bert (1992). Reparationen als völkerrechtliche Deliktshaftung - Rechtliche und praktische Probleme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Deutschlands (1918 - 1990), Nomos Verlag.

Further commitment

  • Executive Director of the CMI Berlin Research Institute, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
    CMI Berlin pursues a value-oriented view of contracts and their usage to foster economy, society, environment and the individual. Its activities are based on the concepts of networking and sustainability. Networks as inter-personal or inter-organizational arrangements imply the understanding of the contract as a tool to blend and to balance the interests of different stakeholders. The intrinsic values of CMI Berlin’s activities are directed by a vision of sustainability which stresses the need for fair and socially responsible relationships.
  • Since 2014: External Professor at the University of Granada
  • Since 1999: Member Institute of European Media Law (EMR)
  • Since 1998: Member Rheinische Musikschule Köln