SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences

Web Development | DUAL

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • 7 Semesters
  • Practical study
  • 210 ECTS
  • €690/Month
  • direct entry available
  • In accreditation
  • Dual
  • university cooperations

Our dual study programme B.Sc. Web Development helps you plan, design and develop sustainable digital products in a corporate context. Thanks to the dual approach you do not only receive a hands-on education but also plenty of work experience.

  • English
  • winter semester | SRH Gera collaboration
Dual Web Development Bachelor student
Your course content

UX, UI and Coding in companies

In the B.Sc. Web Development programme, you learn to conceptualise, design and develop real, digital products and services. Interaction design, UX design, usability engineering, scripting languages, business informatics and social media are just as much part of the curriculum as hardware programming, communication strategy and agile project management. Based on these modules, you develop digital experiences, online platforms, hardware projects, virtual spaces and games.

The focus is exclusively on sustainable projects that have a sustainable impact across society with large companies, NGOs, institutes, universities or start-ups.

You learn how to coordinate real projects, work in teams with content experts, communication designers and marketing experts, advise clients, derive concepts from ideas and finally design and technically implement them. Our students already work on assignments for clients from all over the world during their studies - an ideal preparation for a professional career start.

You already have previous experience, e.g. as a trained media designer, thanks to previous university studies or you work as a freelance web developer or designer? Or are you already enrolled in the full-time B.Sc. Development programme at the Berlin School of Design and Communication? Then you have the opportunity to switch to the dual programme. In the specific dual modules you acquire in-depth knowledge and credits for your work in your partner company (approx. 2.5 days per week, 5 ECTS per semester).

Your career prospects

Become a UX Designer or Full Stack Developer

After finishing your studies, you have what it takes to become a:

  • UI/UX Design Expert
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Frontend Designer
  • Service Design Thinking Expert
  • Web Developer
  • IOT hardware-based coding expert
  • Software Engineer
  • Content Manager
  • Project Manager Digital
  • Game Developer / Game Designer
  • Social Media Engineer
  • E-Learning Expert

You can find career opportunities in media agencies or medium-sized and international companies as a software developer, consultant, game designer or app developer. You are also well equipped to start your own company or work as a freelancer. In addition, you have access to numerous postgraduate and master's degree programmes in Germany and abroad.

Dual studies
Dual studies

What is a dual study programme?

A dual study programme combines an academic education with relevant work experience. Even though a lot of full-time programmes offer work experience as well, e.g. as internships, dual programmes contain more practical periods. Students work a certain amount of hours per week in a partner company while joining lectures during the remaining time. This way they get to apply the newly-acquired knowledge straight away and become an integral part of the partner company. As most companies also either pay a training salary or pay the tuition fees, students benefit from a higher degree of financial security.

More information about dual studies
B.Sc. Web Development | dual

Paid work & study at the same time!

There are different models for dual study programmes in Germany: our B.Sc. Web Development | dual is a so-called "practice-integrated dual study programme".

As a student, you can replace certain modules during your lecture period with practical work for a company. This gives you the opportunity to work for up to 18.5 hours per week and earn ECTS credit points for your studies at the same time!

You need a company based in the digital media industry that offers you a job in the field of web development. You document your activities in a written practical report. From a legal perspective, you retain the status of a full-time student, which is why the B.Sc. Web Development | dual is also suitable for non-EU citizens.

You negotiate the terms of your employment contract directly with the company. The salary level is not related to our tuition fees - these are independently transferred to SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.

Our students often start the B.Sc. Web Development course full-time and later switch to the dual study model, e.g. in the 3rd or 4th semester, please note that the search for partner companies is usually done by you independently.

We are happy to provide support by individual arrangement, e.g. through letters of recommendation from professors, provided that you have demonstrated active participation in your studies and good academic performance as a student in the first semesters.

Details B.Sc. Web Developement

3-minute Overview

Here you will find a short overview of the study programme to become a sought-after developer. Prof. Gabor Kovacs is the head of the programme and gives an overview of the career prospects, the concept of the programme and the requirements that you should bring with you.

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B.Sc. Web Development | Dual

7 Semester 210 ECTS
1. Semester
  • Design Basics I

  • Computer Science | Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

  • Computer Science | Programming

  • Communication Sciences

  • UX/UI Design and Gamification, Project Management (Cooperation Project)

  • Dual Module / continuous Practice Phase I

2. Semester
  • Computer Science | Computer Networks and Internet Protocols

  • Information Architecture + Service Design Thinking

  • Usability Engineering UX + HX Design / Test Methods

  • Design and Media Studies

  • Software Engineering | Distributed Software Systems (Cooperation Project)

  • Dual Module / continuous Practice Phase II

3. Semester
  • Mathematics I

  • UX/UI Information Psychology / UX Writing

  • Instructional Design + Digital Learning Environment

  • Content Marketing + SEO/SEM Strategy

  • Software Engineering | Cross-Platform Applications (Cooperation Project)

  • Dual Module / continuous Practice Phase III

4. Semester
  • Mathematics II

  • Computer Science | Database Systems

  • Free Project Development / Competition

  • Deepening: Lab Project

  • Software Engineering | Content Management Systems (Cooperation Project)

  • Dual Module / continuous Practice Phase IV

5. Semester
  • Internship

  • Free Project

6. Semester
  • Computer Science | Introduction Data Science

  • Computer Science | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  • Scientific Colloquium

  • Game Design + Game Development | VR/AR Unity

  • Software Engineering | Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (Cooperation Projects)

  • Dual Module / continuous Practice Phase V

7. Semester
  • Business Intelligence

  • Preparation B.Sc. Thesis / Next Generation Development

  • Entrepreneurship and Media Law

  • Writing Workshop | Preparation B.Sc. Thesis

  • Bachelor's Thesis

Admission requirements

Our requirements

Our admission requirements:

  • General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or university of applied sciences entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife). In case you have not graduated yet, please apply with your existing transcripts or your latest interim certificate. However, we need your final degree certificate before you can start your studies.
  • CV
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Copy of your identity card or passport
  • You will need a partner company before you start your studies - we are happy to assist you in finding one. If you are unable to find a partner company before the 1st semester, you can also always start in the full-time programme and switch to the dual programme later.


Find out if you are eligible
Submit your application directly through our online platform to see if you qualify for our Bachelor's programmes. Our admissions experts will review your documents and directly inform you of your eligibility, or if further education is required. Apply now!

Important: Applicants with foreign degrees who can access a state-accredited university in their home country (or country of their studies), and meet the SRH subject and GPA requirements, are typically eligible to start our Bachelor's programmes directly. Our team will meticulously evaluate your application and provide feedback on your eligibility. 

After applying and being admitted to the university, you can change to the dual programme at the beginning of each semester or, depending on your level of prior knowledge, you can already commence your studies in the dual programme. The partner companies select suitable candidates independently of the university and sign an employment contract (usually with 18.5 hours per week) with them. You can also suggest new partner companies for this purpose. We advise the partner companies to provide financial support for the students working for them. This means that either the tuition fees are paid by the company or that you receive a training salary.

Here you can find the English requirements that you should bring along:

  • TOEFL 87 ibt (direct entry)
  • TOEFL 79 - 86 ibt (with additional agreement)
  • TOEIC 785 (Listening/Reading 785, Speaking 160, Writing 150)
  • IELTS (academic) 6.5 on average - please see Language Centre guidelines if results differ
  • CAE (grade A, B, or C)
  • CPE (grade A, B or C)
  • Pearson English Test Academic (PTE-A) 59 points
  • Linguaskill: 176 - 184 (CES) - all four skills required
  • Duolingo 110 points
Fees and Funding

Your tuition fees

Tuition fees (per month or semester)

  • EUR 690 / month (Citizenship EU/EEA incl. Switzerland, Western Balkans and Ukraine)
  • EUR 4,725 / semester (Citizenship non-EU/non-EEA)

Important: The dual partner company usually pays a training salary that covers the tuition fees or, in some cases, the partner company pays the tuition fees.

Enrolment fee (once)

  • EUR 750 (Citizenship EU/EEA incl. Switzerland, Western Balkans and Ukraine)
  • EUR 1000 (Citizenship non-EU/non-EEA)

The monthly/semester tuition fees remain the same for the entire duration of the study programme. More information about our fees.

You can finance your advertising studies through BAföG, student loans, education funds and scholarships. The possibilities vary according to nationality. You can find more information on our "Financing your studies" page. Our Student Advisory Service will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Apply now

Application process and deadlines

Please find the Application and Late Arrival deadlines here.

We look forward to getting to know you. This is our application process:

  1. You submit your online application via the SRH Universities Application Portal
  2. If you meet the admission requirements, we will invite you to a selection interview
  3. If the interview is successful, you will receive an acceptance letter and the study contract
  4. You sign the study contract and send it back to us
  5. You pay the registration fee
  6. You receive your letter of admission
  7. You take part in our Welcome Week and then you are good to go!

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Get started now Your path into the future
  • You will take part in a step-by-step learning experience
  • You will study in small teams through practice-oriented tasks
  • You can concentrate on what's important in 5-week blocks
  • You will receive individual support from your lecturers
Apply now!
Your contact

If you have any questions, our team is happy to help you